Sand and rock.

wen tom

What kind of sand? I got that fine is best. Where to purchase rock? (with confidence) Different kinds? Thanks

wen tom

Wanting to switch to a larger tank, so currently 75 gal. 20 gal. sump. Lots of rock, sump, protien skimmer, and corals and fish. To. . . 125 gal. hoping to use same sump.


Well-Known Member
Sump may work it depends on how much of the volume is empty. You need to have enough empty space to hold any water that drains down in case of a power outage. I use a 29 gallon for mine. I wanted to use my old 55 but my plan failed. I neglected to leave any way to get the 4' tank I to the stand. 29 was the biggest I could get in.

wen tom

Great point. So, obviously, just because it doesn't now, doesn't mean it wouldn't with the new system. And I'd have no way to know till it was all set up would I? As I said I was going to get one to hang over the back then feed down into my sump. I think he (the owner,) said something about a shut off valve but I don't recall where or for what.


Well-Known Member
Yep. Once you set up the new system you can try it. Set it up and cut the power and see what happens. If it holds the water, you are fine, if not, you'd want to build a new one.
You can and should have a shut off on both returns and drain lines but that won't help if the power goes out when you aren't home. I originally had ordered a semi custom acrylic sump for my 55. It was only 9" wide so it fit in the stand which was my biggest issue with the narrow 55. It held 15 gallons and had maybe 8 while it was running. I decided to upgrade before it even came. When the 125 was set up I realized there was no way it would hold the overflow water in a power outage. I thought aha I have a 55 that I only used a few months, hauled that out and realized I can't get it under the tank. At the next ***** dollar per gallon sale I picked up a 29 gallon bought a sheet of 1/4" acrylic and some aquarium safe silicone. Cut the baffles glued them in and in a couple hours I had a sump. Installed it a week later and got some peace of mind. I put the smaller sump on my 40 gallon. My stand is high so I can still work in it.