need help


New Member
My grandson decided to feed the salt water fish and threw all the fih food and I dont know what to do to save the fish


Well-Known Member
Get as much as possible out then a huge water probably more than one. . Change. Maybe add some prime to keep ammonia under control. My grand daughter did the same thing but I didn't catch it till I went down to the basement the next day. And was hit by the worst smell ever. It was a total loss for me


Well-Known Member
It's a good thing kids are cute, it's a survival thing. I agree with Imforbis, get as much out as you can, do a huge water change, and add some prime. Keep an eye on things, and at the first sign of stress do another water change.

I have 14 grandchildren, from 19 to 2 years old.

Make the little one help you clean up the tank as much as the child can do... make it hard so he will understand how much work he created for you, to never do it again. My granddaughter used to write on walls, she didn't stop until I gave her a rag and told her to clean up her mess, I let her wipe on it for about 30 minutes, then I got out the magic eraser and helped her clean it up... as we worked, she admitted she had no idea how hard it was for me to wash a wall, she never wrote on Nana's walls again.

My grandson was my fish tank/pet terrorist. He even got into the test kits, and broke a brand new skimmer, he reached into the tank and grabbed my seahorse too. He nearly killed my Parrot, poking it with a stick. He was 4, I decided that the little guy was not to ever be in any room unattended. When he comes to visit, he has to stay right by my side. He is 9 years old now, and I still make him stay where I can see him at all times, he is just a mean little dickens, and no lesson is ever learned. He still does stuff to his parents and siblings, but not at Nana's house.