High salinity - What problems?

My salinity is high (1.028 -1.029) according to my new refractometer (calibrated with distilled water as instructed), the old swing arm read 1.023. Obviously I am s-l-o-w-l-y bring down the levels, but what damage can a high salt content have? How does it affect LR, Fish, Inverts?
I questioned the swing arm because I was adding more salt to a volumn of water to get the correct reading that I should have been. Now it seems right for cups of salt vs gallons of water.


Active Member
Wow your questioning my swing arm now as well.
Anyone know how far out of calibration the swing arms can be?


Active Member
Swing arms can be off quite a bit. Much farther off than inverts can tolerate.
Honestly I'm not sure what the negatives of higher salinity would be. I would suspect both fish and inverts would suffer possible internal damage from dehydration among other things.


Well-Known Member
Jackri, +- .003 which can be an extreme difference. Lets say your hydrometer measures 1.026 when it's actually 1.029!
Also, salinity depends on temperature as well.
Too high of salinity and the enzymes and protein synthesis in the bodies of inverts and fish don't work so well. It's just like us drinking saltwater - works for a little while and then we start breaking down and die.
If I were you, I would go ahead and get a refractometer. It will more accurately measure the salt content of your water. :D


I just tested my 300 gallon and my salinity is a whopping 1.031!!
I couldn't believe it. A month ago it was 1.025.
I have no idea how it has risen. When taping off water due to evaporation I use freshwater and with the two 10% water changes that I've made when I first tested it at 1.025 the salinity of the water added was at 1.022.
Any ideas as to what the reason for the salinity spike and what % of freshwater should I replace the saltwater for a safe lowering on the salinity?


I have a high salinity too. It's not as big of a prob for me because I only have a 10 g. Sucksd to have a 300g with a high salinity.
Can't you jsut take a lot of water out and just add ro/di water to level out the salinity? Obviously doing it very slowly too.


Any ideas as to what the reason for the salinity spike and what % of freshwater should I replace the saltwater for a safe lowering on the salinity?


Active Member
With the dehydration of water from your tank, your salt content becomes a higher concentration. I would do small water changes every couple days with the ro/di. When I say small, for example, 1-2gal changes for a 55 gal tank. Do this to help bring the concentration down and not shock your livestock in the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jackri
Wow your questioning my swing arm now as well.
Anyone know how far out of calibration the swing arms can be?
They are SOOOO inaccurate!!!!!!! I know from experience.