I know I might get some hate for this but one of my friends gave me his Niger trigger

Like we said.....if he is small he should be fine for now, but eventually he will get big. One of my LFS always tell me things like that too that I can add tons of fish in my 90g and like 5 or 6 fish in my sons 14g Biocube. I know better though.

I only have 2 clowns in my sons Biocube....I may add a really small yellow watchman goby...they stay very small though. You have to fight the urge to want to add a bunch of fish. Never impulse buy. Always go with a plan. Dont just go to your LFS and then leave with a fish you havent researched prior. The LFS is ok to ask advice, but usually not on the spot. If you have a smartphone it is as simple as looking it up on Google to see the fish's requirements.

I personally go with peaceful fish, but that is just my preference. Your wish list is fine....just not long term in a 55g tank.
Ohh yea the 55 isn't really long term as in forever a year or two at most I know those fish are too big for that I just am putting them in there till I can upgrade again and get more I most likely going to get a hundred gallon my Lfs said a foxface is good IN a 55 but o *********** it's 100 gallon that's a 45(not good at math) gallon difference and some of those fish won't be added till the hundred the only ones I might get is eel and Pygmy angel possibly a small tang


Well-Known Member
Pics you just click the icon with the mountains and upload the pic. If they are too big I just email them to myself and resize them then save on my computer.

Anemones need a very established tank and very intense lighting of the correct wave length to survive.

bang guy

A Niger normally wouldn't bother anything larger than an Amphipod. Being in a smaller than ideal tank will sometimes affect their personality though.