btw the stuff you see at the bottom by the heater is algae that died and fell off I only have one leaf (if thats what you call it) that is living down their if you want to see more pictures I can give em to you if you want.
My fixture is 6" above the surface.Question from 2quills above how far from the water surface is your light located. I moved by light down to about 4 in from surface directly over my target. Going to try that and see......
The spectral output of leds vs other types of lighting is a long and boring topic. But it isn't the color temperature (Kelvin rating) of the led that's important.I was doing some more research on the light I have and figured out that my light has 6500k color tempature and I was wondering if that is good or bad and if that is what is killing my algae.
A lot depends on the fixture. 36 individual 1 watt leds for instance doesn't typically put out the same amount of lumens that a 12 - 3watt fixture would.Running a 36W red/blue LED Grow light about 4 in from surface Testing this position may have to move it up a bit but running a 16 hr on 8 hr off light duration opposite from the DT lighting for now
I'd try 24/7 and see if it makes a difference. The object is to out compete the display or else it's never really gonna work. Manual algae removal from the display helps.12 led at 3w 9 red 3 blue bought off Amazon But No dimmer controller ...It's On or it's Off ...Lol
Algae aren't plants they are less complex unicellular organisms. But they both respiratate and they don't need to be encouraged to do so. When they aren't growing the expell excess c02 that isn't being converted durring photosynthesis.So 2quills, I have both Chaeto and caulerpa serrulata in my fuge.
What lighting period would you run?
I'm currently running 19/5. What would you suggest?
Regarding the comments about the rest period, I was taught that plants require a dark phase to stimulate respiration and growth because they turn off the opposite process (photosynthesis). Have you tried something like 24hrs vs 23/1hrs? That 1hr resp gap might give the plants an edge over 24hrs a day.
Also I didn't something dumb the other day, I thought "oh let's turn off the refugium lights for 2 days to kill the cyano!" And it worked it all died...and then spread all over my display tank where the lights were on...stupid me..
No its this light http://www.**************.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=29013&cmpid=03cseYY&ref=6194&subref=AA&cmpid=PLA_G_6194&gclid=CIyCntuzydACFQ9Efgod4IID6QWill do still in the experimenting stage both of height and duration BTW this is the light https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01FWZVBIC/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Thx ...
Is there algae growing in the display?And my nitrate is at 0