Finnex Heater w/ Digital Controller


Greetings all,
Anyone have experience with Finnex products? Mainly heaters? I just ordered a 300W heater with the digital controller. Thought it would be a nicer upgrade from my current 200W Aqueon. Thanks people.


Well-Known Member
Not personally but everyone I've seen who has/had them generally speaks highly about them.

If I ever need one I'd probably go with a finnex titanium judging by recommendations. Let us know how you like it.


I've had my 300W version of this heater running for just shy of a week now. Set-up was a little less than intuitive, but once it reached operating temperature, it's been working flawlessly. Obviously long term remains to be seen, but from the looks of it's build quality, I think the Finnex Titanium should be just fine.