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  1. F

    Choclate Chip Starfish

    we have had our chip for several months now, but for the last week he has been really swollen and moving slow. Does anyone know what this could mean?
  2. F

    Nitrate Little High

    Everything seems to be doing fine since the water change the coral seems to be doing its thing, the feather duster has grown to double its original size, the anomies are doing well, and all the fish are very active. So I will watch and see if what your talking about starts to take place
  3. F

    Nitrate Little High

    Okay thank you for the information
  4. F

    Nitrate Little High

    on my test strip I have it is about a 160
  5. F

    Nitrate Little High

    What is a refugium? Guessing it is some kind of plant?
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    Nitrate Little High

    after doing a more than half water change Thursday of last week, and using only bought ocean water the Nitrate levels in the tank are a little on the high side. the ph and nitrites and salt level are all in great standings based off everything I have read. But how do I bring down the Nitrate...
  7. F


    okay so I have one circulator that is suppose move like 5000 psi or something like that it does create a strong current do you think that is enough/ Also I did end up having the water tested and the nitrites where extremely high for some reason I don't know what caused the change unless bad...
  8. F


    what are power heads I am not clear on that, I have the filter the skimmer and then a circulator
  9. F


    more saturation? I had air bubble wands in there is that what your meaning?
  10. F


    i am using a marinland c-530 canister filter didn't know what was wrong so did a partial water change of 45 gallons and so far it appears to be working we lost for fish but everyone else looks like they are going to be okay
  11. F


    it appears that all of our fish are struggling to breath and there are 3 that are laying on the rocks or the sand. I have checked the nitrats and ph level and the salt level and the temp everything is normal nothing has changed in the tank the only thing that has changed is the protein skimmer...