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  1. V

    Nasty Tang

    Why is it that the Tang gets all excited every time I go to feed and dumps a huge load. Seriously! Others are here to eat!!! Wretched Tang ...
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    Shark pool?

    I always wanted a very bad shark tank, and I almost bought a bamboo 210 last year. I've been researching for about a year now and hopefully I've got my dream "pool" in about 8-10 years. The reason I'm going to take this long is because I'm just a high school freshman, so I'm going to go through...
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    My incredibly stupid Wrasse

    Using coral glue, I mounted a frag on a frag plug and as soon as I put it in the water for the glue to harden my pyle wrasse decided to bit it and now it's got a long piece of glue stuck to the mouth. It's obvious it's bothering, but I don't have any way to catch it to remove it.Have anyone ever...