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  1. T

    Does this Scopas tang have ich??

    I have a ricordea Yuma with live rock snails and hermit crabs. I'm going to put them in a separate container and use paraguard
  2. T

    Does this Scopas tang have ich??

    No I dont have a qt tank. There is 2 clowns in the tank with him
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    Does this Scopas tang have ich??

    No other symptoms, hes grazing and looks calm. Hes been in my tank about a week
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    Does this Scopas tang have ich??

    I noticed these spots yesterday, but only in the afternoon they just appeared. They dont look elevated, and I'm just wondering about what to do
  5. T

    Need help with new Soft Coral!!!

    Okay I will. Thank you
  6. T

    Need help with new Soft Coral!!!

    I bought this Soft Coral 3 days ago and it hasn't really opened up. It almost looks sorta like a Kenya tree, but I dont think it is. The polyps are out, but the arms wont come up. It looks floppy. Need help! What do you think?