

O.K Rock-- I've been cleaning my stuff(yes, we F/O people have FAKE decorations, like corals and plants) with a bleach solution for a lot of years now because it dissolves the algae on them in minutes. Obviously one should take great care to rinse thoroughly before putting back in, but this is the best and easiest way. Anyone else have an opinion???


Staff member
I agree, it is the best and easiest is also a good way to sterilize ornaments or the whole tank after a disease wipeout. I've been keeping fish for 20 yrs, however, and have managed to kill everything in my tank 2X by using the "bleach" procedure and not getting the bleech out. I now clean with a "fish-only" brush and plan water. If for some unusual reason I must use bleach, I blast the bleeched object for about 15mins with a hose, then leave it in full sun for several days. Before it goes in the tank, I rinse again, then let it soak in a declorinated solution for a couple hrs.
Its a sad thing to have all your pets killed due to stupidity or negligence.


New Member

Originally posted by Kris:
O.K Rock-- I've been cleaning my stuff(yes, we F/O people have FAKE decorations, like corals and plants) with a bleach solution for a lot of years now because it dissolves the algae on them in minutes. Obviously one should take great care to rinse thoroughly before putting back in, but this is the best and easiest way. Anyone else have an opinion???

I think bleach is a no,no in your set up.....they have excellent stuff on the is way too much work with bleach....remember you already work hard on these salt water setups why work any harder.....spare yourself the time.....when you have 8 tanks it is hard to clean all those rocks with bleach wait a few days then clean again......try the things that are being sold much better and not too much to worry about...good luck