Just Some Pics 24g


Active Member
Im impressed that you have done some nice coral shopping!
Are those wild duncans in the first pic? Thats what it looks like. (the captive ones are a bit larger)
Your color choices are very nice!
How long has the tank been up? What kind of lighting do you have?
Seems that you have a nice handle on it! This is a very nice tank.
Best of Luck


Active Member
Wow I love your tank! Do you have a FTS? Here are a couple of questions.
1. Whats in the first picture?
2. Whats in the second picture?
3. Are those rics?

Ive seen all of these before but not alot, Ive never knew what they are please inform me on what they are. Thanks and have a great day!



Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Wow I love your tank! Do you have a FTS? Here are a couple of questions.
1. Whats in the first picture?
2. Whats in the second picture?
3. Are those rics?

Ive seen all of these before but not alot, Ive never knew what they are please inform me on what they are. Thanks and have a great day!



Active Member
Tanks been running for 3 months. I have a 90g that I started July1. I just bought 6 20g pre-drilled to set up a frag room in my garage, I cant wait


Active Member
Sorry, I'm a bit slow today. Spent the night at my brothers putting a 180g in a wall.
Not the best pic but, here it is.


Active Member
Very nice, are you mainly doing softies in there? Keep up the nice work, and keep us posted on new specimens. Again, looks great.
