New to forum and looking for help identifying things on Live rock


New Member
Hi all, I am new to the forum having only set up my FOWLR tank around 2 months ago. I have been reading the forum over the last few weeks and it has been great in helping me set up my tank. I've gone for a Fluval M90 with Live Rock Live Sand and a Bubble Magus Skimmer.

My tank has sprung into life over the last few weeks and I was hoping you could help me identify some of the things growing on my live rock.

I think this may be Aptisia but am not sure? Assume I should remove if it is?
I think this may be a Feather Duster Worm?
Thing I'm not sure about is the dark oval behind the worm - I'm not sure if it's just a stone or some sort of clam or similar?
I think the small white things are Spirorbids or pileoralia?

Thanks so much for your help.



Well-Known Member
Definitely aptaisia in the first one. Horrible pests, I still have nightmares about those. Remove or iradicate asap.

Definitely feather duster on the second one. They're harmless and make a nice addition to the rock.

The other two I can't tell from the pics. The white things are most likely harmless.