Reef Keepers Letter to Santa


Dear Santa
I have been a really good reef keeper this year and have a few items I would like to put on my Christmas list.
1.A new 180 gallon tank and stand
2.A new T-5 lighting system
3.A monster size skimmer and UV
4.A 90 gallon sump
5.Motors and power heads
6.Live Rock
I will be hanging my extra large stocking for tank additives and corals.
Please add your Christmas list


Active Member
Santa I've been really good for the last week or so, I need MH lighting and an Ro/Di unit, only the most expensive will do Since I've been so good for so long.
PS if you wanna throw in an x-box 360 that would be ok too.


Active Member
Dear Santa,
I was kinda good, once...I think.
Well I'll be good once, if I can....
Please leave me a big sack of money so my wife wont send me to reefers anonymous.


Active Member
santa i was good for about 10 or 20 seconds, id kinda like oh a couple hundred dollars, a shark pond, Hawaiian Dragon Moray, a xbox 360, a caiman pond, and a pet moose. oh and a sunset monacle cobra wouldnt be to bad...


Dear Santa,
I've been really good this year, just ask me.
I want to set up my 180g system I just bought used and need to improve on a few things.
I would like an ASM G-3 or G-4 skimmer
upgrades for my 175w mh to 400w mh
a $1000 gift certificate to
Tunze Turbelle® Stream Kit TS24
Well, Santa, it's really not for me, i'm just thinking of all of those dear fish and other little creatures that deserve the best home I can give them.


Well no matter how good or how naughty we've been this year I think I can safely say that we all want this guys tank.
PLEASE DO NOT add links to other sites that promote or like to other forums or stores
^^^^^^^This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen... God I wish I was dutch... and rich lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reefboys
PLEASE DO NOT add links to other sites that promote or like to other forums or stores...This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen...


yikes, that is unbelievable! i guess that proves that the only limiting factor in this hobby is money.
it also shows the best way to keep a tank clean(25% water change every week and replace the substrate with new every few weeks).


Active Member
That tank is insane...even if I could have something like that...I think the wife would have something to say about it lol.
On Topic, I could use a new 95gallon tank w/ overflow from the LFS


Active Member
What kid's college education could I sacrifice for a tank like that?

Seriously, though, here is my letter to Santa.
Dear Santa:
I've been a really good mother this year (just ask the kid reading over my shoulder!) and an awesome wife (just ask the hubby that gets ALL the toys and nookie he wants!).
Since I didn't win the lottery this year, can ya give me the winning lottery numbers for the first week in January?
I'll buy another tank with some of the money, all the hardware for it and stock the tank myself. Just give me the numbers and I promise to hand out $100.00 bills to those saltwater friends of mine who helped me a long the way become the conscientious reef keeper that I am. I also promise to donate 30% of my jackpot winnings to community betterment programs for the children and poor within our community.
Thank you for considering my outrageous request. However, if I can believe in a fat man in a red suit, you can believe me when I say I will do these things.
All my best Santa!
Mrs. Claus
Denise M.


Active Member
dear santa,, i have been good this year,,, at least i thought,,,i need a new washing machine
mine just went out.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by ginarox
dear santa,, i have been good this year,,, at least i thought,,,i need a new washing machine
mine just went out.....
Ya might want to get specific on the type of washer you get. Otherwise, you'll end up with a washboard and hand wringer.
I highly recommend asking Santa for the Neptune.
Denise M.

el bob

santa, pleaz send me a 300gl tank w/ all the lighting I need for the reef, ill take care of the rest myself. pleaze, ive been good i even donated some money to the poor and worked in the soup kitchen for a month to feed those poor souls.


Active Member
oh yeah !!! thanks for saying that,, i dont want no more work,,,,,dear santa a maytag would be great!!!!!
have a great day....
or a neptune would be even better.......


Dear Santa,
I want a wife like Denise..."get all the toys and the nookie
i want"

really just a few frags of some cool favias or favites would work for me..

royal gang

Active Member
sad to see all these people "still" believing in Santa :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious


Royal Gang
Every one belives in santa.
And Santa I also want a wife like Denise or if she has a sister so I can get all the nookie and toys I want.
I've been resonably good and i would like one(or 2) of everything mentioned above, except the x-box i want a ps-3 so i could sell that for a lot of money