Stocking 150G Reef


Hey, haven't posted here a while, but i am trying to stock my 150G reef tank.
So far i have several soft coral and zoas.
I have three established fish as of right now
Maroon Clown
Hippo Tang
Purple Tang
Any suggestions? Thanks


Originally Posted by DSBdude http:///t/392062/stocking-150g-reef#post_3479570
Hey, haven't posted here a while, but i am trying to stock my 150G reef tank.
So far i have several soft coral and zoas.
I have three established fish as of right now
Maroon Clown
Hippo Tang
Purple Tang
Any suggestions? Thanks
I wouldn't go with any other larger fish, unless you went with something that the tangs and clown aren't going to harass like a Foxface, but even then, I think you're better off with more smaller community fish.
A small group of lyretail anthias would work well, and they're a little more aggressive than some other varieties, as well as a little more hardy, which will work well if you Maroon is in any way aggressive towards them.
Wrasses, especially flasher's and fairies, make great reef fish.
I'd look into some bottom dwellers like a group of green banded gobies.
The possibilities are endless, are there any fish that really catch your eye?


Hey, thanks for responding. Yes, this is a 6 feet long tank. I didn't have success with a trio of lyretail anthias, all died within a few weeks :/. So I'm kind of stuck. A wrasse is a good idea, forgot about them and I'll probably try one of those. Sixline? Any suggestion is good at this point. Thanks!


If you go with a few flashers or fairy wrasses, you actually can make them a harem (school). By doing this you can get some crazy colors out of the "super male", especially with flasher wrasses.
Sorry you didn't have luck with the Lyretails. Did you have all females? I've had the best success with all females and allowing one to turn male on it's own. The younger they are when you put the together as a harem, the better off they are.
I have a Yellow Candy Hogfish, which is technically a wrasse that is a great little fish and has neat colorings.
Yellow Assessor is an awesome reef fish. They actually will swim upside down, it's cool to watch. (Simple things amuse me, lol)