Suggestions of new Corals

sixth man

New Member
true, it depends on your lighting. good starter corals that are easy to care for include many of the leathers, mushroom corals, button polyps, star polyps, yellow polyps, bubble corals, colt corals


New Member

Originally posted by sixth man:
true, it depends on your lighting. good starter corals that are easy to care for include many of the leathers, mushroom corals, button polyps, star polyps, yellow polyps, bubble corals, colt corals

thanks, for responding. I have 2 175 watt metal halides,1 20k flo, 1 bluemoon, 1 50/50, 2 tricromatic. the halides i leave on about 4 hours a day. the blue moon and 20k are on 10 hours and the 2 tri. are on for about 8 hours
So far I have mushrooms, brown polyps,frogspawn and a flowerpot. The flowerpot does not open up much any more.All parameters are fine. I have a 110 gal. reef with a 30 gal sump a tornado protein skimmer.The return rate from the sump i about 1150 gal per hour. If you have any suggestions on the flowerpot please let me know. thanks again,john

the rock

agreed, your lighting sounds efficient enough to branch out to more LPS corals. You should try an Elegance, Hammer, Bubble, and some different Brain corals. Flower Pots can be difficult to keep alive, that is for sure. And yes, luck does have a lot to do with it. It sounds like you are on the right track!
I have a hammer and a couple of bubbles that are getting hugh, the hammer is the coolest. elegant corals are beautiful if you don't have any angels.
Originally posted by haire:
What corals do you suggest a person should start with?


New Member
I have read that flowerpot corals might have a need for iron, so you may want to try an additive with iron in it. Also you may want to look at they have lots of info on the care and propagation of many different corals. Good Luck!