tech m dosing


Active Member
How do i dose it? It says 1/4 tsp every gallon raises the level by 18.3 ppm per day. How do i dose if I want to raise the magnesium to 1600-1800? I have a bryopsis outbreak in my 120 gallon tank.


Active Member
Check my math
I looked it up and Kent Marine Tech M reads "1ml = 18.4ppm increase in one gallon" :%%:
If you add 5ml in one gallon you get a 92ppm increase
Times 120 gallons would be 600ml of additive to increase the mag by 92ppm
Test the mag first then, I would add 600ml to the tank in a high flow area like the sump and do it in small batches so it mixes well before returning to the tank. (add the additive in batches and look to see the response before continuing) Then retest the mag after the 600ml has had time to completely mix in.


Active Member
I added 30 teaspoons of Tech m yesterday. I will continue to add 30 teaspoons and test. I want to slowly raise he mag, so the tank inhabitants won't be so stressed. Is this a good idea? Thanks very much GeoJ for the help.


Active Member
How much did it move after the addition? The math is it should move about 25ppm does it?


Active Member
Not sure. I dosed today and I will see. I tested my mag before the dose yesterday, and didn't dose after. I will yet and post results.


Active Member
GeoJ, if i put 2 1/2 cups daily, how much will the mag rise? Ex day 1 1310 day 2 1800 and so forth. How much will it rise?


Active Member
We don't know yet because we are guessing how much water is in your system. I used 120 gallons this does not include sump and other pluming. You added 30 tsp the first time you need to do the same and test again or test before you add and then after so we can see how much the 30 tsp moves it.


Active Member
GeoJ, if i put 2 1/2 cups daily, how much will the mag rise? Ex day 1 1310 day 2 1800 and so forth. How much will it rise?
If the tank contains 120 gallons then 2-1/2 cups will move the level 92ppm. But because we don't know exactly how much water there is you need to test before and after.