The Ultimate Homemade Fish Trap


Ok, i have gathered up some info on how to make the best homemade fish trap for those pesky damsels and/or other fish that you do not want in the tank anymore. However i feel that it is not enough to fully get the job done. So i ask that we all add in our tips for the ultimate fish trap.


OK, heres what i've got...
-2L plastic bottle
-Cut off top and reverse it
-Make sure bottle is clear
-Use zip ties to hold top on
-use a magfloat or other magnet to hold onto tank


What is the best bait? Any other things that should be done to get the job done fast? Please post all knowledge that you have about homemade fish traps!


Active Member
Suspend your net in the tank for a few days so the fish get used to seeing it.
Don't feed for a couple of days.
Then get ready to catch fish.... add a few bits of food into the net and be patient. Often the less aggressive fish will feed first, but eventually the damsels will get jealous and go into the net.