Recent content by 75drilled

  1. 75drilled

    Bluefin Pygmy Angelfish - big eyeball

    I just got this fish, plus two others in the same day (yesterday). I will keep an 'eye' on him. I did some research and found it to be popeye. I have good water params. I'm going to try to vary my feeding to keep him and my other fish as healthy as possible. Thanks Derek
  2. 75drilled

    Bluefin Pygmy Angelfish - big eyeball

    I just got a Bluefin Pygmy Angelfish yesterday. He looked ok and was swimming and hiding in my FOWLR 75 tank. Today one of his eyes is all white and big. Looks like there is swelling behind it. did another fish bite him? is this a disease? will this spread to my other fish? Will it heal...
  3. 75drilled


    more pics
  4. 75drilled


    Squidward has become way more active and friendly. Around 5PM he is almost always walking around the tank and does not mind the camera flash or my kids. I fed him a cube of frozen brine shimp tonight and he seemed to eat it pretty well. Got some real good pictures of him since he has become...
  5. 75drilled


    Squidward on the side of the glass Feeding him with my yellow tweeczers, and he took the crab and tweezer out of my hand. I plan on ordering a 3' long handled feeder so I don't have to place my hand in the water so much. Octo holding onto the yellow tweezers and eating his nightly crab (I tried...
  6. 75drilled


    Lots of people suggest moon lights or some type of red light be used at night since Octo can't see the red and still think its dark. So far mine seems to be averagly active in the daytime. I have checked on him throughout the night and he always seems to be sleeping in his den. I've read some...
  7. 75drilled


    Here is a pic of Squidward's den and his trophy collection. The Cleaner clam was empty already but he opend it up and uses it as his main front door.
  8. 75drilled


    Thanks. I will secure the tank ASAP. My research shows an octo may live 1 month to a max of 2 years. Mine has made a den and has collected old shells that he places in front of the opening.
  9. 75drilled


    Glass tops, with the plastic piece in the back solid. one panel has my cooling fan on it. I plan on holding down the other three with varous items and duck tape when he gets more curious. Update; took him about an hour to eat the fiddler crab. He spit out bleach white and totally cleaned...
  10. 75drilled


    This tank setup was originally planned to have an octo, but some of the fish ended up being added after cycleing. Just check all parameters amon = 0 Nitrate = 0 Nitrite = 0 Phos = 0 Calcium = 480 PH 8.0 KH = 5 temp 80 salt 1.026 / 35 Copper = 0 Oxygen = 100% (7 mg/l) (Tetra test has a hard and...
  11. 75drilled


    Thanks for your comments. I had two octopus previously about 10 years ago and I did everything wrong then. My first was about 1" with 4" legs. Pour water quality and filtration was the problem. (20 gal tank) Then I had a 75 gal tank with various fish and got a big octo 5" head 12" legs (one...
  12. 75drilled


    Here is a pic of my tank overall:
  13. 75drilled


    Just got my Octopus from It came in the normal Fedex overnight. He was balled up in the bag and I let him aclumate for 4 hours (drip method). Had to figure out how to get him from the bag he was still in and my 75 gallon tank. So I used a 1 cup measuring cup and just put it by him...