Recent content by abdur99

  1. abdur99

    rasing clownfish larvae

    i just noticed i had eggs so i dont have enough time to set up the whole procedure to get the food ready for the fry. I plan in the future to set up and maintain my own cultures but right now that is just not an option so i wanted to see what i could try and do for now.
  2. abdur99

    rasing clownfish larvae

    I was just wondering if anyone has had tried or had any luck with raising larvae with either frozen rotifers,artificial rotifers, or other type of fry food?
  3. abdur99

    Sea Clone 100

    I would not recommend them. I got one a few weeks ago and sold it after a week. They are really hard to tweak and get to work right and require a lot of playing with. I have heard the coral life super skimmers work well and are around $100. I just ordered the Aqua C Remora skimmer which are...
  4. abdur99

    moving sale, all must go

    I live in new bedford mass and would be interested in the sixline wrass, jawfish, and shrimp. How much would u want for them. Email me at Thank You
  5. abdur99

    Looking to buy 48" lighting system

    found something at lfs
  6. abdur99

    Looking to buy 48" lighting system

    I am interested in buying a nice 48" lighting system contact me at if you are selling. thanks