Recent content by albermartin

  1. albermartin

    Healthy Fish

    Welcome again here friend.I really do miss all the members here. [url=]
  2. albermartin

    Some thing about Cat fish :

    Cat fish usually lives in coastal water or inland water.Catfish have inhabited all continents at one time or another. More than half cat fish lives in continent America.They are found in fresh water environment .Most catfish are bottom feeders. In general, they are negatively buoyant, which...
  3. albermartin

    To avoid from disease in aquarium.

    It is possible to chemically adjust aquarium water with the fish's natural water. It is hardly possible to approach the level of cleanliness. This is simply because of the very small volume of aquarium water.
  4. albermartin

    weird question?

    You can make the exterior of your tank change and get some beautiful accessories around your tank,add few posters few multi light but that should not be too sharp.It will make your tank again new for you.
  5. albermartin

    dwarf lions

    As well as i know about the aggressive type of fish then i know about the blood parrot.The really warrior.You always have to keep a separate tank for this fish other wise this may cause harm other fish too.