Recent content by aquacat

  1. aquacat

    New Puffer Hiding Under Rock

    I bought a porcupine puffer a week ago today. When I first put him in the tank after acclimation he was swimming all over the place but a few hours later he wedged himself under a rock and pretty much stays there. I tried offering some raw shrimp but he takes it in and spits it out. My nitrate...
  2. aquacat

    Maroon Spitting Out CC - Why?

    My Maroon Clown picks up pieces of my crushed coral and drops them all over the place. On top of coral and my live rock. He looks like he is having a good time. Also he seems to rub on the CC with his tail in a fast manner. Does anyone else have a clown that does this? And if so, Do you know why?
  3. aquacat

    Anemone BTA Looks disgusting.

    It was real dead after I took this picture. The picture is from 24 hours before he died. I will never throw a cube of brine in the tank again. The clown grabbed it and shoved it down the anemone's throat. He was fine and doing great before he was fed that cube. I always let the shrimp thaw out...
  4. aquacat

    Anemone BTA Looks disgusting.

    Here's a pic of the BTA. It's a little hard to see but tell me what you think.
  5. aquacat

    Anemone BTA Looks disgusting.

    How long has your been looking bad? What are you going to do? I don't want to get rid of mine if it has a chance to recover.
  6. aquacat

    Anemone BTA Looks disgusting.

    I have a medium size BTA and a few days ago I fed a cube of brine shrimp not intentionaly but the clown grabbed it and shove it in the anemones mouth. Since then the BTA has been deflated and is floating at the top of the tank. It has not lost any tentacles but it just looks plain awful. It's...
  7. aquacat

    Bubble Coral Looks Burnt

    I think it landed on a frogspawn. Would that cause this problem?
  8. aquacat

    Bubble Coral Looks Burnt

    It looks exposed I think. Does this picture help?
  9. aquacat

    Aquapod 24 HCI - Does it look to full?

    I have this Aquapod 24 that I bought 2 months ago. I have been stocking it with all types of coral. I am addicted. Does this tank look overstocked with coral or is there no such thing? I only have 2 snails, coral banded shrimp, 2 damsels. Ammonia 0 Trites 0 Trates 15 Salinity 1.026 PH 8.2...
  10. aquacat

    Bubble Coral Looks Burnt

    I have had this bubble coral for 2 months and it looked great. It fell over the other day and the left side of it now doesn't open up. Is this normal and do you think eventually the coral will be in full bllom again? It's my centerpiece and it doesn't look great right now.
  11. aquacat

    Florida Anemone Looking Bad

    I have 3 Anemones in my 36g tank a 2 BTA's and a Florida Anemone. The BTA'a look outstanding and I have had them for 2 months. The White Florida Anemone looked great when I bought it a month ago but now is is looking all shriveled up and the white tentacles seem to be getting darker like their...
  12. aquacat

    Could have my Anemone Killed my Clown?

    I bought a maroon last week. A week today. He went right for the anemone the moment I put him in the tank and never left it for the past week. Is it possible the BTA killed my fish? I found him on the intake to my filter this morning. Last I saw him was last night nestled and sleeping in my BTA...
  13. aquacat

    xenia to get rid of in south jersey

    BLAZE here's one of the stalks I got from you. It's getting big!! Thanks!
  14. aquacat

    BTA Floating Everywhere - Is it ok?

    My BTA is floating all over my tank. I am afraid it is going to crash into something. I know they move around but this guy is all over the tank. It's like he's swimming arond moving its tips and going down to the bottom and then scooting to the sides of the tank. I thought it might be the flow...