Recent content by aqualaker24

  1. aqualaker24

    100 gallon fowlr aggressive aquarium

    I agree with everyone about the adding of fish after only 2 weeks. 2 weeks?! If the tank is fully cycled then your fish will be easy targets for disease and infections such as ich. I would suggest starting off with damsels and crabs/snails (i know theyre boring), then move on after about a month...
  2. aqualaker24

    what do you all think of this tank?

    yeah, the rocks are completely dried out. theyve been sitting in the garage for roughly a full year. I think I am just going to rinse them and see what they look like after. that sounds like a great way to use the algae sheets! by the way, the pictures of your reef tank look AMAZING!! great job!!
  3. aqualaker24

    what do you all think of this tank?

    LOL! The phone I'm using is also a Galaxy s3! I bought the case off of ebay for $30! Best 30 dollars ive ever spent! haha! first of all, thanks for the lengthy comment! I really do sit and read everything word for word, and I appreciate your advice! next, I think I will add more rock. I have...
  4. aqualaker24

    what do you all think of this tank?

    thanks for the quick comment! well, I did have powerheads, but because I have 2 "jets" on the the dual over flow i figured it was too much water movement. For the filtration I am currently using a 40gallon sump with protein skimmer and carbon bag (I shouldve added that into the video!). I have...
  5. aqualaker24

    what do you all think of this tank?

    If you guys can tell me what I should be doing, adding, etc, that would be great!