Recent content by augied

  1. augied

    High Nitrates and Phosphates..???

    Thanks Guys for all the imput... I do vaccum the CC coral very good each time I do a water cahnge and I'd love to change the CC to the sand if I could do it without to much trouble...just haven't got up the nerve to give it a shot yet!!! Jacrmill...can't have any inverts with the puffer and the...
  2. augied

    High Nitrates and Phosphates..???

    I have noticed since I got my Porc Puffer almost two months ago...that my test readings for my nitrates and phosphates have increased and I cannot get them to drop at all... Nitrates are at 40 PPM and phospahates are a 2.0... I have a 75 gallon FO with crushed coral... Temp is a constant 79...
  3. augied

    Happy Easter and Happy Anniversary!

    That was supposed to be "TIME really fly's" :D
  4. augied

    Happy Easter and Happy Anniversary!

    Happy Belated Easter and Anniversary... :D Didn't have time to check out the board yesterday in the evening... Wow...times really fly's HUH... :D
  5. augied

    New Format For The Board???

    This is really cool... but will take some gettin used to... I really like it...but how's come I have no rating??? :D I don't mind...just glad to be included... :) AugieD
  6. augied

    Yellow Tang

    I'm not sure exactly HOW FAST the Yellow Tang's grow to their maturity...but from all I've read hear on the board...for him to be really happy and healthy at least a 75 would be the right way to go...and I know alot of you might diagree with that...And to do a tank upgrade expense wise just for...