Recent content by barbiganti

  1. barbiganti

    65 Gallon Stocking

    Get a fairy wrasse or two. Very beautiful in color, very out and about, and none of them over 5 inches in length.
  2. barbiganti


    Having one triggerfish in a 90 gallon is pushing it; let along five or six. If you want that many triggers, I'd recommend a 400 gallon or larger tank. To answer your question Scoot, yes, blue-throats are indeed reef safe, as are any of the triggers in the genera Xanthichthys and Melichthys.
  3. barbiganti

    Adding more fish?

    Truth be told, I'd be more worried abut aggression amongst the Purples themslves. I don't think they'd get along well together. I don't think your Naso will be problematic at all either. I'd be more leery of the desjardini; they and the purple are pretty aggressive. What I'd do is QT your...
  4. barbiganti

    Which trigger would you take?

    What other types of fish do you hope to put in your tank LJ? If you have fish that are more peaceful, such as most tangs and medium to large angels, more peaceful larger wrasses, and dottybacks, you want the Hawaiian Black beyond a shadow of a doubt because it is way more peaceful. If you want...
  5. barbiganti

    moorish idol

    I was in a marine biology club in my junior high school in Colorado and one of the fish that got thrown in with one of the orders that our teacher advising us in the program put in was a Moorish Idol. We had a massive wipe out in one of our tanks after an initial success over 3 months, and the...
  6. barbiganti

    Other Fish???

    Ummmmm, if you want fish for a more aggressive FOWLR community, you need to get a larger tank. At least a 75 gallon if not larger. Your 55 is already overstocked just with the yellow tang, too.
  7. barbiganti

    125 Gallon Question

    As long as they look dissimilar and have different biologies, you can keep two butterflies together. For instance, you could keep one of the deep sea reef specialists, like a Mitratus or a Tinker's, with a Copper-banded or Long-nosed. Or you could keep a group of the same species togehter if...
  8. barbiganti

    finding nimo

    Just an FYI if you're interested in hippo tangs...they like to be paired or kept in a harem of 3 if at all possible.
  9. barbiganti

    What fish is best???? HELP!!!!!!!

    Some other options for you (when your tank is ready) are the deep sea reef specialists in the genus Chaetodon: mitratus, burgessi, declevis, and tinkeri. The Mitratus, Burgess's Declevis, and Tinker's Butterflyfishes are all planktivores that feed from the water column. There's a species in...
  10. barbiganti

    Almost ready for 90 gallon stock! Help

    Good questions. Sounds like you're well on your way with the cycling and with what you want to put in the tank as well. The Coral Beauty, Clownfish, and Gobies are all good candidates for your reef tank, although you want to watch the Coral Beauty. Dwarf Angels can be a little nippy at times...
  11. barbiganti

    help on stocking 37??????????????????

    Sounds good to me. You want something that's aggressive enough to fend for itself and big enough not to fit in the lion's mouth, but at the same time, something that won't be TOO aggressive. The clownfish fits the bill.
  12. barbiganti

    Lionfish or Large Angel in Reef tank?

    I would not put a large angel in a reef tank unless I knew full well that my options were safe. As others have pointed out, their options for a reef tank are severely limited with any type of large angel. As far as lionfish go, they tend to be reef safe as long as there aren't any excessively...
  13. barbiganti

    Suggestions on some fish?

    Fairy and possum wrasses are also interesting options, and the fairies would give you a vibrant splash of color. Another intriguing idea is a golden moray eel. It only gets 8 inches long and it can be kept in soemthing as small as a 25 gallon nanoreef.
  14. barbiganti

    stocking a 46 gallon bow

    Star, Should be fine with what you've got, but you will definitely be pushing it a little bit with your bioload. Be certain to very carefully monitor your water parameters, especially nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia, on a daily basis. I DO think you could make it work with a mandarinfish, but...
  15. barbiganti

    Any One Out There With Sea horses?

    Poop-Head, I think you mean Ghost Pipefish (yes, they are in the same family as regular pipefish and seahorses, which is the Syngnathidae). And yes, they are definitely VERY cool. They are all in the genus Solenostomus. They are also very fragile, but if kept either by themselves or with...