Recent content by ben78

  1. ben78

    Cool Hitchhiker

    Oh yeah, all the branches are there, it just sucks them back into its body!
  2. ben78

    Cool Hitchhiker

    nah, it's just been lazing about on a piece of rock. I just took 20 minutes of video to go through and see if I got it doing anything cool. It's only about 3/4" long...
  3. ben78

    Cool Hitchhiker

    A quick google turned up this one Which I reckon is a good match. Apparently they eat coral? I wonder if this one has adapted to goo, cos I only have a few shrooms, a pipe organ and a zoanthid so not a lot on the menu....
  4. ben78

    Cool Hitchhiker

    Had the tank up and running for seven months now, still only three chromis a seargeant major, some random shrimp and some snails. Got some new rock a few months back and tonight I noticed this little guy for the first time! Pretty sure it's a nudibranc, anyone got anything to input? Obviously...
  5. ben78

    Please identify - Gorilla Crab!

    Can anyone confirm if this is a gorilla crab? I smashed a chunk of live rock tonight to get it out!!! Thank you!!!
  6. ben78

    Do I have to kill Manjano/Aiptasia?

    Ok, did my best to get a topside pic, but the camera sees the world a whole lot different through angled, curved glass than I do! Is Manjano a worldwide anenome or is it endemic to certain regions? I am actually starting to think this is some sort of Zoanthid, based on the structure, and...
  7. ben78

    Do I have to kill Manjano/Aiptasia?

    I knew I should have canned the crab as soon as I saw it.... I had the rock in fresh water for about 5 minutes too and the little bugger wouldn't come out! Will try and get a more face on pic of the anenome.
  8. ben78

    Do I have to kill Manjano/Aiptasia?

    Have this little guy in my tank, slowly getting bigger. Has never moved and is the only one. I am figuring it is Manjano from looking at the pics on this site. Do I have to kill it? I don't have any corals andit is also unlikely that I will in the reasonable future. I also think I have a...
  9. ben78

    Sand? Coral Sand? Crushed Coral?

    Can anyone tell me for certain what this stuff is? I bought it in a bag marked Coral Sand. Is it suitable for use as a sand bed? or is it just crushed coral? Was it a waste of money?
  10. ben78

    I know there is supposed to be algae but..........

    Hey, don't worry.... I have a $70 bag of crushed coral, well I think it's crushed coral.... It said "coral sand" on the bag, grains are about .5-1mm (20-40 thou ") and are all rounded not sharp.... What is it? I should get a pic to put up of it to see if it is suitable... Ooh then I can get a...
  11. ben78

    I know there is supposed to be algae but..........

    Yes, topping off with saltwater as I removed saltwater from the system.
  12. ben78

    I know there is supposed to be algae but..........

    Originally Posted by promisetbg Why is your water level so low? I am trying to work out some sort of sump system and drained some off to fill it and just haven't topped it up yet because I ran out of salt. Salt purchase will be made today...) Originally Posted by promisetbg There is'nt...
  13. ben78

    I know there is supposed to be algae but..........

    Is this right? 0's on Ammonia and Nitrite, 20 on Nitrate... Tapwater.... I gotta gets me some RO water yeah?
  14. ben78

    Sooo, what have we here?

    Watching my rock last night I saw this long thread waving about in the the rock crevices, 'cool' I thought, new creature... The more I watched the more I realised how weird it was! The tube is about 1/8" across, but the tentacles themselves seem to stretch out to about 4" or so!!! They weave...
  15. ben78

    Live Rock - creatures!

    Hey all, this is all the tank in question :) Tank is a 47 gallon bow front Aquaone (with integral top mount filter and light hood) 2 x 10k 25w fluoros 1 x 15k 20w actinic 285 g/h Filter pump 2 x 140 gph PH 1 x 85 gph PH Is 660 gph in circulation enough for a 47g tank?