Recent content by csgoalie

  1. csgoalie

    best fish for rocks

    Bicolor Blenny. Swims through even very tight holes in the rocks. Very enjoyable to watch. He even has a little fued going on with my very indignant camel shrimp, which has laid claim to a little cave that I built into my aquascape.
  2. csgoalie

    Sufficient lighting

    Horse has left that barn. PC is on its way. Like I said, $29 bucks, can't go wrong.
  3. csgoalie

    Sufficient lighting

    Well, I managed to swing a 110W PC for $29 bucks. Can't go wrong, and if I decide to move to a bigger tank, it will have t5 HO or Halide. Now, I just have to be patient for it to arrive, and for the tank to get used to the new lighting. Also got the coralife digital timer last week. I would...
  4. csgoalie

    Sufficient lighting

    Thanks to all for the responses. Sickboy, this tank is in a built in wall unit and there is 6" of clearance between the tank top and the next shelf, so I am worried about trapped heat. I think Stanalee has me pegged. I'll probably jump to a 70-100 gallon tank down the road and then I'll be...
  5. csgoalie

    Sufficient lighting

    I'm 6 weeks into my FOWLR tank (29 gal tall) and I have decided that I really want to go into corals. I do not have sufficient lighting and due to space concerns above the tank I am concerned about going to Halide. I am thinking that either T5 or PCs are the way to go. I've seen some PC...
  6. csgoalie

    bioload question?

    I have a similar size setup to you. I added 3 astreas and 3 blue legged crabs and the tank now looks great (sand, rock and walls). Consider less snails to start; you can always add more.
  7. csgoalie

    New Member, New Tank, Cycling Questions

    Thanks. Patience carries the day. I will ghost feed and adjust light as folks suggest. Maybe in about a week or so, I'll add the turbos.
  8. csgoalie

    New Member, New Tank, Cycling Questions

    Long time lurker. I'm jumped into my first saltwater tank about 8 days ago. Its 29 gal (small), started with about 20-25 pounds of live rock, 1/2 live sand, no fish. after 8 days, no water changes, just replacing evap water, my tests are as follows: temp=80 degrees, ph=8.2, gravity=1.022...