Recent content by diz

  1. diz

    Can I have shaving brush and heribivores together?

    :notsure: I want to get some plants for my tank, and the shaving brushes look nice. will my algea-loving fish pick at them or eat them? I have a couple of tangs (yellow; blue) and a dwarf angel and a blenny? any experiences or stories? thanks a bunch! diz
  2. diz

    chevron tang and pals/enemies?

    Hi everyone! I'm thinking of gettting a CHEVRON for my tank (55gal). I was wondering how my other tangs might react. I have FOXFACE, a BLUE, and a YELLOW tang. I'm worried about the yellow tang being territorial and not liking the new addition? any suggestions? should I keep considereing...
  3. diz

    anemone acclimation (help!)

    Hi, On the information section of the various anemones, SWF states that they need to be temperature acclimated...does that mean that I only have to float the bag for 20-30min and the anemone can be released in the tank? Do I need to acclimate with the drip method as well? has anyone had...
  4. diz

    why won't my naso tang eat?

    tried some frozen formula ONE that I had!
  5. diz

    why won't my naso tang eat?

    :happyfish I tried some frozen formula 2 that I had and she ate it up! she's still rejecting the algae sheets, but as long as she eats something, I'm happy! thanks for all the suggestions!
  6. diz

    Copper in my Tank

    Cupri-sorb works really well. I put some in my tank (which had cooper adsorbed onto the rocks and sand from the previous owner) and in a few weeks I was able to house crabs and snails. The copper will slowly leach out of the rocks and substrate, but will be picked up by the cuprisorb over...
  7. diz

    why won't my naso tang eat?

    I didn't know the tangs would eat brine shrimp! I'll give it a try! They're both in a 55g tank. Thanks, diz
  8. diz

    why won't my naso tang eat?

    :help: Hi! i'm new to the board! I just got a naso and a sailfin tang a couple of days ago. I've been trying formula two (frozen) and dried brown/green algae sheets to feed them. the sailfin will eat the formula two and bits of the sheets...the naso however, doesn't seem to be eating either...