Recent content by djballistc

  1. djballistc

    Spotted Puffer Fish

    Great doing that very slowly I should be able to eventually get him to be a freshwater fish then? Great!!! Should this stop my algae bloom problem as well? I have not been able to get rid of that. I am moving the tank this weekend once I do a water change to make it light enough to...
  2. djballistc

    Spotted Puffer Fish

    Ok I got home from work today and I tested my is off the charts....I suppose what you are saying is correct...the good thing is all of my fish seems to be ok. But everything I have been reading about lowering salinity says top off with freshwater. Well that contradicts what you...
  3. djballistc

    Spotted Puffer Fish

    OK if I decide to use the jug water from the store (drinking water) I can't empty the tank with the puffer in it and he has to stay in the tank no matter what so what do you or how do you recommend I do it?
  4. djballistc

    Spotted Puffer Fish

    Well that doesn't make sense to me....:) When water evaporates I would think it would reduce the salinity because the water just isn't there. I would think adding freshwater to the saltwater would be dilluting it to reduce the amount of salt in the tank. I was always told to premix salt in...
  5. djballistc

    Spotted Puffer Fish

    While back I got 2 spotted puffers from my LFS and they were in brackish water. They told me that they would easily acclimate to complete saltwater without any trouble and for the passed year that has been true. Now I would like to acclimate them to complete freshwater. My LFS told me you can...
  6. djballistc

    Giving Up - Its not all it's cracked up to be

    I think I would have to go with something that I can hookup temporarilly and only when I need it. The large trash can and all that sounds a bit too much to undertake. My water system is actually installed in my basement as well.
  7. djballistc

    Giving Up - Its not all it's cracked up to be

    I do have a water conditioner for my entire house that removes a lot of the impurities. The RO unit is only for my kitchen sink drinking water and ice cubes in my freezer. I use the kitchen faucet or bathroom faucet (Non-RO) to fill my aquariums. I could not use the RO unit to fill my...
  8. djballistc

    Giving Up - Its not all it's cracked up to be

    $100.00 cool heck yeah I can invest that - where can I get a RO for $100.00??????!?!?!?!? Oh but don't I need to have it tied in with my water line or does it connect to the tank filter and just filter water constantly. I have an RO for my drinking water so I understand how that works, how does...
  9. djballistc

    Giving Up - Its not all it's cracked up to be

    My local fish store doesn't have RO water for sale. Where else would I get it? Besides buying Bottled water or something like that for a 20% water change would be crazy expensive and doesn't seem like the best choice to me. Even knowing very little about this it just doesn't make good sense...
  10. djballistc

    Giving Up - Its not all it's cracked up to be

    I don't know what a refugium is or macro algae. I will look it up.
  11. djballistc

    Giving Up - Its not all it's cracked up to be

    I haven't updated this thread in quite some time but I wanted to let some time pass before updating so here goes: I have been running the protein skimmer and it seems to help but my tank levels are still high of them is. Since using the skimmer my ammonia levels seems to stay around...
  12. djballistc

    Giving Up - Its not all it's cracked up to be

    Thank you everyone also for the posts I am learning a lot. I will try that on the skimmer tonight. I thought you were supposed to adjust the valve so you have some slight bubbles going up into the collection tank. If I barely open it the bubbles don't ever reach that high. I will do what you...
  13. djballistc

    Giving Up - Its not all it's cracked up to be

    Unleashed - I am not sure which post you read but I don't have an undergravel filter. I do have live sand though and I do have the algae bloom problem taken care of. Thanks for the info.
  14. djballistc

    Giving Up - Its not all it's cracked up to be

    Well I have to say the tank is doing better. I have not added any new fish since I started this post. The Cleaner Clam, Hermit Crab, Coral Banded Shrimp and Pink Damsel are all still alive and doing well. The algae bloom problem is gone. However my problem still is with the skimmer. I can't...
  15. djballistc

    What are the specs of this?

    The only reason I am concerned is because I just recently got over an algae bloom problem with the 75 Gallon tank and by adding a second power head and a protein skimmer I got that under control. I certainly wouldn't spend the money for a protein skimmer for that little 10 Gallon tank but I do...