Recent content by dlc

  1. dlc

    How much to feed ?

    I know the age old question. :rolleyes: I usually feed about a thimble full of brine shrimp each evening. 1-small yellow tang, 1- Cleaner Shrimp, 1 -coral banded, 1-banggai, 1 clown and 1-blenny. The fish have it eaten within a minute or two. They always seem hungry. The Tang definitely gets...
  2. dlc

    chocalate chip starfish

    Mine likes the top of the glass with one arm parallel to the surface basking in the air ! He does climb over the LR at times.
  3. dlc

    Tang & Black Spot

    My yellow Tang has a case of the Black Spot according to my diagnosis using my Aquarium book (Looks as if you sprinkled it with real fine black dust). Two questions: 1. How or why did it occur? 2. Remedy/Treatmeant? Thanks in advance for you help!: notsure:
  4. dlc

    Percual Clowns

    That is exactly what I was planning on doing for the replacement ! Thanks !:happyfish
  5. dlc

    Percual Clowns

    Purchased 2 False Perculas last Saturday and one expired yesterday. The survivor looks great and moves as fast as the damsels at feeding time. Marlin (the one that expired) seemed to never eat. It would get excited and move though the food (flakes and brine S) but never seemed to get any in...
  6. dlc

    Chocolate Chip Star

    Thanks All!
  7. dlc

    Chocolate Chip Star

    Looking for insight as to how to best care for CC. Feeding etc.. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks:)
  8. dlc

    Metal Halide

    Thanks guys for the heads-up and the potential pitfalls !! ;)
  9. dlc

    Metal Halide

    Back after choir practice. Halleluiah! Okay, so there might be some difference in the color. Any idea as to how to make a true comparison. It seems a metal halide ballast should be universal as well as the bulbs socket. If the bulbs are indeed different shouldn't you still still be able...
  10. dlc

    Metal Halide

    Will the Metal Halide from my local Hardware store work for corals ? If not what is the difference between those bought for Aquariums and those used for outdoors?
  11. dlc

    Reefers in Mongtomery Alabama

    I'm tankin' in Birmingham.
  12. dlc

    Carbon Filtering

  13. dlc

    Carbon Filtering

  14. dlc

    Carbon Filtering

    Any pitfalls of circualting through a carbon filter bed, i.e. can you filtrate to much with carbon ?:confused:
  15. dlc

    PVC pipe sizes?

    gravity for intake and a Mag-Drive Supreme 9.5 950 GPH Water Pump back to the tank. If I use the same size PVC for both directions will the pump go faster than the intake? Pipe size has little to do with the pump speed. Inlet and outlet pipe sizes that are supplied on the pump should be fine...