Recent content by dr. msu-fish

  1. dr. msu-fish

    What kind of clown for carpet anemone?

    Predator wasnt joking, the clarkii will get aggressive. I have had mine attack my hand while cleaning the glass. Darn near drew blood. I was tooo close to his carpet...
  2. dr. msu-fish

    Corals and lighting

    I personally have used a more traditional approach at lighting. However, a freind of mine uses considerably more actinic. He maintains that the higher frequency of light is absorbed more by the choraline. Hence the reddish collor of choraline. There may be truth to it...but i dont know...any...
  3. dr. msu-fish

    LR/Coral Question??

    Brain corals do in fact photosynthesize. They, like most other coral species, contain zooxanthellae which privide the organism with vital nutrients during photosynthesis. Otherwise, why would we spend all this money for lighting systemes :) Good Luck and be liberal with the light!!
  4. dr. msu-fish


    Just wondering: Is protein skimming necessary for a 20gal reek system? Also, what is the reccommended lighting situation for this system (LPS and Soft)? I have only kept reef systems in 40 gal and larger, so mini-setups are unfamiliar to me. Thanks!