Recent content by dschwartz

  1. dschwartz

    GPH in your reef.

    in my 29G, I'm between 25-35x: 25x if assuming 29g of water volume and 35x if estimating only 20g volume due to rock/substrate displacement, etc. David.
  2. dschwartz

    10 month old 29g reef w/ pics

    I believe we have the same size 29g. Any concerns with stacking against the glass - I was always worried about the outward pressure on the glass, but I know many folks stack against glass safely? David.
  3. dschwartz

    translucent snot growing

    I think I have the same thing, stays in one spot - could think of a good way to describe it to ask about it; you summed it up pretty good. David.
  4. dschwartz

    10 month old 29g reef w/ pics

    very nice - my 29g is only a couple months old. Do you have your rocks stacked against the back glass wall - or mounded centrally in the tank without touching glass? Thanks, David.
  5. dschwartz

    flow for a 30g

    I have a standard size 29g with two Koralia Nano on the back wall pointing forward and slightly center - one near the bottom left and the other middle right. I also have a PowerJet 900 in the upper left corner that is pointing towards the center of the tank and up to cause a lot of surface...
  6. dschwartz

    Why change water if params are good?

    Thanks everyone - i had gone and change the water as I planned later in the day (before I read the replies). Flower, I understand your reasoning for going to monthly changes if all is well - but I think err on the side of caution just to be safe. Thanks everyone!
  7. dschwartz

    Why change water if params are good?

    I was scheduled to do my weekly 10-15% water change today and checked my parameters but everything was right where it should be. Should I bother changing water to remove solids, etc and restore other essentials or just let it go since all is measuring fine? Thanks, David.
  8. dschwartz

    So, where did it go then?

    Thanks. So far no more damage to the new Hammer, but that shrimp is gone. Only other things in tank are two clowns and a few reef hermits and snails and the two remaining peppermint shrimp.
  9. dschwartz

    So, where did it go then?

    I have three peppermint shrimp and added a small, two-stem hammer coral last night. One of the shrimp immediately ate almost all the smaller branch of hammer coral. Today, I can only find two Peppermint Shrimp! I fed the fish and two shrimp came out for scraps, like they usually do, but still...
  10. dschwartz

    Clown feeding advise

    Thanks Invert, I've tried varying with the frozen but that always left me with a snow storm due to the pieces being so small. I think I'll try defrosting more, taking out the largest chunks of food and cutting into smaller pieces as needed. I think a good portion of that frozen food appears to...
  11. dschwartz

    Clown feeding advise

    I have two smaller clowns (1-1.5") in a 30g. How much often should I be feeding. The LFS says " couple flakes each once or twice a day" This seems like a lot, no? What would you recommend for these clowns as far as flake food (TetraMarine Saltwater Flakes)? I've also tried feeding some frozen...
  12. dschwartz

    Saltwater Pool

    +1 on the salt pool. had one for several years now and would never do traditional chlorine pool. Also, I prefer plaster pools over the more trendy pebble-tec, pebble-sheen, etc. it is more difficult to install (i.e. must be smoothed by hand and imperfections are visible.) this is why pool...
  13. dschwartz

    What are the odds?...disappointed w/Koralia

    I only have a 29g but have two Koralia Nano's that have been perfect since out of the box (about a month now).
  14. dschwartz

    Back to the store or keep trying?

    I know - that is one of my concerns, new fish might be just as bad as this one. On the contrary, we were told this fish had an attitude problem and has already killed off one other smaller one (before we had him).
  15. dschwartz

    Back to the store or keep trying?

    Short version - given 10g with one OC clown on 1/30/09. bring home and migrate to 29g. purchase another clown fish on 2/16/09 as companion, etc. original fish was about 1.5" and new fish was 1". Going on 6 weeks now and big fish still will not stop bullying the smaller fish. It was tolerable up...