Recent content by hawkfish101

  1. hawkfish101

    Does any one have pictures of large angels?

    I like to any of you have pictures of large angels or small ones? These are my favorate fish.
  2. hawkfish101

    favorite fish

    My favorate fish is the green bird wrasse. I love its striking green color. My second's are tie with the sailfin tang and the blue hippo tang.
  3. hawkfish101

    How many Angles in a 500 gallon tank?

    I like to know how many Large Angles can you put in a 500 gallon tank. I might get one this summer. I already have a 125 and thinking getting a 500 gallon. The reason is I love large Angles. Here are the large angles I like to get Asfur Angle Queen Angle Grey Angle Emperror Angle King Angle Some...
  4. hawkfish101

    When is new fish of the week coming?

    I like to know when is new fish of the week is coming. I hope it is tangs or triggers on of the two.
  5. hawkfish101

    About Large Angles

    What Angles are your favorate and if you can afford them which ones would you like in your tank. I would want an emperor and a passer and maybe a queen angle in my tank which is a 125 gallon tank or just two large angles and maybe that is it.
  6. hawkfish101

    What kind of fish do want for christmas?

    I am hoping to get a cortez angle for my tank and lots of coral because I just got my lights for my coral so the lights are very bright.
  7. hawkfish101

    Sailfin Tang and Orange Shoulder Tang

    Does anyone have these fish if so do you have any pictures of these fishes. I want these two tangs and also a naso. I like to see these fish in other people tank first before I by them so that I can see how they look in a tank.
  8. hawkfish101

    orange sponges

    what are your thoughts on orange sponges. When I went to this reef store. The guy had tone of orange sponges that are beutiful. I would like to have some in my tank. but he said they are hard to keep alive does anyone have any experince on orange sponges.
  9. hawkfish101

    What is your dream tank?

    What is your dream tank how many gallons and what kind of fish. My dream tank is at least 500 gallons something that I can afford and have the time to clean it each week. I would like to have a school of large Angles in my tank. May be three or four of them of the same kind. Like having a school...
  10. hawkfish101

    large angles

    Has anobody have any large angles. I would like to have an asfur angle fish in my tank. I would also like to have a koran as well. So have you people have any experince with these kinds of fish.
  11. hawkfish101

    awsome reef store !!!!

    There is this store where this one guy grows corals in his grage. He has almost every coral you can think of. So if there is a coral that I want he can give it to me. He has about 50 tanks with all of these cool fish too. When I went in there he also have at least 20 sail fin tangs. He also has...
  12. hawkfish101

    about purple tangs.

    What are your experince of purple tangs. I was thinking of getting one but what i read about them and heard about them I think I won't get one. I heard that they are the meanist tangs. If you had a purple tang what is your experince on them.
  13. hawkfish101

    Has anybody bought fish online.

    I was wondering if anybody has bought fish online from some of the fish sites and if so how well do you get your product.
  14. hawkfish101

    about cleaner wrasses

    How many cleaner wrasses would you put in a 125 gallon tank. Also would they be well with corals.
  15. hawkfish101

    I need help with lighting!!!!!

    I need help with my tank. Do you know how many watts will light up a tank with corals in a 125. The tank is 6 feet long and about two feet high. What kind of lighting should I get with this tank. Is a triple tube ok with this tank?