Recent content by kdog

  1. kdog

    Good, Bad or just plain UGLY

    i have them too, but not that big.... I'm about to buy everything out there that eats them!
  2. kdog

    Bristle worm BIG problem

    how much is too little food if you cut back feeding? I have the same problem in my 60. One yellow tang, a domino, perc, yellow damsle and a hand full of turbo's and blue legs.
  3. kdog


    here he is cleaning around some corals
  4. kdog

    my domino

    hosting my haddoni
  5. kdog

    whelk or not??? id!

    bad? should i get rid of it?
  6. kdog

    whelk or not??? id!

    pretty sure this is a whelk, but confirmation would be nice. I caught it munching a young arrow crab.
  7. kdog

    Niger Trigger in a reef tank?

    just curious if anyone has tried it. I figured it wouldn't be a great idea. I have one in a 60 with a tang and 2 percs, but i want to go a few more inverts, so i may get rid of him.
  8. kdog

    Niger Trigger in a reef tank?

    What is the likelyhood of having a Niger Trigger in a reef tank? If you keep him well fed, do you think he'll still go after the inverts?
  9. kdog

    clowns will not host!!!

    There is a yellow tang in there, and the clarkii, but not much else besides inverts..... Oh well, maybe I'll just buy something that will eat them:notsure: ...... more fun to watch ;-)
  10. kdog

    clowns will not host!!!

    thanks for the info. I've actually had them together (with the anemones for at least 6 months. I think the percs were tank raised, but i'm not sure about the clarkii (probably tank raised). I just thought it was strange. Another thing I thought was different is that my percs tend to stay at...
  11. kdog

    clowns will not host!!!

    I've had a Clarkii and 2 Percs with a sebae, and a condalys(sp?) anemone in my tank that they won't even swim near! What the Heck????????
  12. kdog

    Bristle worm problem

    i had an arrow for about 9 months then i think my yellow tang ate it, but it seemed pretty easy to care for... always eating worms and anything i put in the tank! He doubled in size in about 4 months!
  13. kdog

    Bristle worm problem

    try getting a few arrow crabs... mine kept them under control really well!
  14. kdog

    Converting to aggressive....

    I'm trying to put some aggressive fish in my (semi) reef tank. But was currious to get some oppinion of what anyone thinks will survive and what won't. I have right now, 2 perculas, and a clarkii clown, with a yellow tang. I just addes a Niger trigger and a (very small) snowflake eel (about...
  15. kdog

    Queen Conch

    My queen was about an inch long when I got it and is about 2 1/2 inches now.... I've had it for about 8 months. I find it all over the place, sand, rocks, glass....