Recent content by kemfish

  1. kemfish

    And we're back in business! (build)

    Ok Seth, your turn. What kind of fish do we need in here? I'm not planning to do clowns this time...I want something different. The problem with what I was going to do (hi fin goby/shrimp pair) is my anemone...which we think might decide the goby is a great snack, since they would probably be...
  2. kemfish

    And we're back in business! (build)

    My anemone. This is taken through the left side of the tank. You cannot see him from the front anymore. and finally, the zoas...more of them are opening up, but they still aren't completely happy here. Around 5 or so at night all but one will be open, but in the morning only the bigger ones...
  3. kemfish

    And we're back in business! (build)

    WELL! My sincere apologies :P Here you go! The split mushroom(s) are in a crappy spot for a picture, but hopefully you get the idea. from the front of the tank (they are on the right side) From the top of the tank. *edit* I was able to get a better pic from my phone...
  4. kemfish

    And we're back in business! (build)

    Not a lot to report here. Everything is going fine in the tank, so I guess we lucked out on that one. My skimmer is here, and I was pleasently suprised to find out that the husband actually ordered a HOB sump setup. Skimmer is working well thus far. One of my mushrooms split into 3 smaller...
  5. kemfish

    And we're back in business! (build)

    You know Seth, I had a feeling you would say that lol. Honestly though, I realize we rushed it a bit. Was definitely not the intention, but we (well, mostly meaning I) aren't adding more for a while. My husband offered to take me back to the lfs last night because they emailed about the deals of...
  6. kemfish

    And we're back in business! (build)

    Well, my tank had a busy weekend. We ended up ordering a skimmer online...should be here by Friday. My mom was at it again this weekend though...she kept the kids overnight Saturday evening and brought some coralline covered rock and a few small pieces of coral over from her tank while I was...
  7. kemfish

    And we're back in business! (build)

    Should be getting a skimmer tomorrow!
  8. kemfish

    And we're back in business! (build)

    Thanks! It was a very long move(2 months of visiting family in different states after we left Hawaii), but yes, back in our home state of Michigan again. We are definitely missing the Hawaiian sun during the middle of winter here. We are right next door to my mother's house now, and she has a...
  9. kemfish

    Snake's 75g build thread

    Following too, can't wait to see what you do with this tank in the end. Oh, and your daughter is a cutie!
  10. kemfish

    And we're back in business! (build)

    Well, we are back! We left Oahu, sold our tank setup( couldn't afford to ship it all) and have started fresh. My mother surprised me tonight with a 25 gallon tank, filled with precycled water, live sand, and rock. We are still waiting for the sand to settle after messing around in the...
  11. kemfish

    Our final "build" thread

  12. kemfish

    Our final "build" thread

    Seth, I am working on refilling it. I don't know how well you can see it, but I have a line where the water level should be, and usually is. The salinity is a bit high, but the level is low mostly due to the skimmer and filter being pulled out and cleaned today. They both had pretty much stopped...
  13. kemfish

    Our final "build" thread

    Here are some new shots of the tank, I added my last rock to the tank from my QT tank, where it has been home to the stupid goby, who also returned to the main tank. Full tank: New rock The red circles are around the base rock I added a few weeks ago, the blue is the rock I added today.
  14. kemfish

    Our final "build" thread

    Here are pics with the Nikon, now that I have batteries for it again! No idea what this thing is blue and grows in the most inconvenient place to take a picture (my rock touches the glass right in front of it, so as you can see, lots of algae there. My cleaner shrimp :) My pair of...
  15. kemfish

    Our final "build" thread

    Thanks! We get a lot of compliments when people see it in person. I was kind of shocked that so few people here have saltwater tanks. As for our move, I just wish I knew when it was coming, and where exactly we were going, but thanks for the wishes! I will get a picture with the Nikon later to...