Recent content by ll206

  1. ll206

    LTA help

    Hi everyone. First I would like to thank everyone for all of the help and information you provided for me. I dont know what I would do without this message board.:) I have a question regarding my LTA. Is it suppose to open up all the way, and expand about 1/2 its size, when the light turns...
  2. ll206

    Picky dwarf lion

    I have the little guy in my 40G, with my baby cowfish and a pair of ocillerus clowns. Once it gets about 3 inches I plan to move him over to my 125G. I'll try silverslides and ghost shrimps first chance I get. Thanks everyone.....
  3. ll206

    Picky dwarf lion

    Hey guys I need some help. I recently purchased a small fuzzy dwarf. The guy at the LFS warned me about their pickyness. The only thing that he'll eat is feeder guppies. He loves those little guys with a passion. Any suggestions would help. Thanks guys
  4. ll206

    PH at 7.8

    I recently added a dose of copper to rid ick on my 40G. Since then, I noticed that my ph dropped to 7.8. No change in behavior of fish, but should I be worried. Should i add any additives?
  5. ll206

    Ideas for a 6 gallon eclipse

    Hey guys. I just purchased a 6 gallon eclipse tank for my office; cycled and ready for fish. I know that I could probably two or three fishes. Any ideas? Any help will do. Thanks everyone.
  6. ll206

    Help. Fish's fins deteriorating

    Hey guys. I recently noticed that the fins on my clownfish, and yellow watchman goby are deteriorating. What should I do? Help....... :confused: :confused:
  7. ll206

    Puffed up

    Is there any way to get it to safely puff up, so I can take a picture of it. No one believes me that it actually puffed up; infact Im starting to doubt myself. I KNOW THIS IS A DUMB QUESTION; but it's worth a try. :D
  8. ll206

    Puffed up

    I recently bought a stars and stripes puffer and it puffed up to a size of a baseball. Is this normal. Is it stressed. Should I be worried. He quickly returned to his normal size. What should I do. Any help will do, thanx.
  9. ll206

    Adding a fire shrimp

    Hey guys. I have a 50g FO, with a clown, watchman goby, mandarin goby, cowfish, and a stars and stripe puffer. I was wondering if it would be safe to add a fire shrimp. Thanks.
  10. ll206

    New 6 gallon tank

    Hey guys, I just purchased a brand new 6 gallon tank for my office. Im thinking about using some of my water and substrate from my 40 gallon at home. What is the best way to do this? Is such a small sized tank a bad idea for a saltwater tank? Also, I want at least two fishes. Any ideas...
  11. ll206

    Adding more than 1 fish at a time

    Hey guys. I just finished cycling my second 45 gFO tank. I'm sick of the LFS prices on fishes. I'm interested in trying out the saltwater fish store. I want to save money on shipping by buying 3 fishes and a shrimp. Is this a bad idea? Anyone else have experience on this matter? Any help...
  12. ll206

    Is my mushroom rock dead?

    Hey guys..... I have a 40g FO tank with a mushroom rock. I've had the mushroom rock for a couple of months now. Just the other day I noticed that one of my clownfishes had Ich. I went to the LFS, and purchased an antidote. After two days of treatment, the ich is gone, but my mushroom rock...
  13. ll206

    Worried about my cowfish

    Hey guys. I've had my cowfish for about 3 months now, and he seemed to be doing fine. I noticed today that his fins are turning white. They were transparent when I purchased him. Is this normal. Help please.
  14. ll206

    Fish suggestion anyone??

  15. ll206

    Starving seahorse

    I purchased a seahorse about a week ago. I've been trying to feed it brineshrimp, but haven't seen him eat yet. Shouldn't it be dead yet, if he's not eating? Could it be possible that he's eating copepods or something of that sort?Help Please.