Recent content by Lucas Rocha

  1. Lucas Rocha

    Parrot Fish

  2. Lucas Rocha

    Parrot Fish

    thank you very much jay0705 you helped me so mutch and now i follow you
  3. Lucas Rocha

    Parrot Fish

    so parrot fish can i have it with soft coral and this fish: clown,redtothed e picasso trigerfish tangs firefish moorish idol butterflyfish emperor angelfish clownfish porcupine puffer just say it please
  4. Lucas Rocha

    Parrot Fish

    moorish idol why not? so i can have triggers
  5. Lucas Rocha

    Parrot Fish

  6. Lucas Rocha

    Parrot Fish

  7. Lucas Rocha

    Parrot Fish

    please answer
  8. Lucas Rocha

    Parrot Fish

    so paroot fish cant be with hard corals and the others cant be with inverts but can all of them stay together and i forgot to sugest tangs firefish moorish idol butterflyfish can these stay with coral and stay with the parrot fish and the others please answer thank you
  9. Lucas Rocha

    Parrot Fish

    Hello guys I am getting a new reef tank and i dont now if a parrot fish can be with corals and with trigerfishes,clownfish,emperor angel fish and a porcupine puffer and can you guys tell me if all this fish can be with coral and be together please.