Recent content by mdavisslo

  1. mdavisslo

    70 gallon tank...compatability?

    Just got my 70 gallon out of storage, and my wife wants a Radiata Lionfish and a Dogface Puffer. Looking for some others to add...any recommendations on these additions?...Triggers? Groupers? Hawkfish? Or...? I've also got my 320 gallon for when fish outgrow the 70's just not...
  2. mdavisslo

    adding different salt mix?

    I have started switching from IO to Oceanic. I think I either didn't let the salt and water mix enough, or I changed too much water at once (15g in a 70g tank), because my corals didn't seem to like it and didn't fully extend like they had been. But after a couple of days they're back to their...
  3. mdavisslo

    500 gal reef converted to 850gal reef

    It's like waiting for Christmas morning! How's it coming, Steve? Is Santa Steve going to bring a little something for all of us good boys and girls? Christmas in's a beautiful thing!!!
  4. mdavisslo

    any pics comparing 6.5K, 10K, 13K, 20K bulbs?

    I appreciate the effort. i just stumbled across the thread (on another site ) you are probably referring to...a very nice comparison of the SE's, but not any DE's. It confirmed my choice to go with 10K, since I'll be supplementing with actinics.
  5. mdavisslo

    Pom Pom (Boxing) Crab? Harlequin Crab?

    Nobody? I assume these aren't very common in reef tanks.
  6. mdavisslo

    any pics comparing 6.5K, 10K, 13K, 20K bulbs?

    Does anybody have pics that show the different color intensity of the various MH bulbs out there? I would love to be able to compare the coloring before committing to a specific bulb...and since I've only had 10Ks in the past, I don't have a proper frame of reference.
  7. mdavisslo

    Experiences with Dwarf Golden Moray?

    Anyone have, or had, one of these guys? I've got two arms and legs and was thinking about giving one of each for one of these guys. I've seen maximum lengths listed of between 7-10", and that they're reef safe. And that their mouths are too small to do any damage to most reef fish. But...
  8. mdavisslo

    Thank you to a very friendly bunch!!!

    I know there have been many thank you messages in the past, but I wanted to add another. I am by no means new to reef keeping, but I also realize that I'm far from knowing even a fraction of what there is to know. That is why I joined SWF's message boards. I've dabbled in other boards which...
  9. mdavisslo

    Best way to switch brand of salt?

    I just got through reading an article from Dr. Ron (last name?) on another site, and had seen many posts from people that had switched to Crystal Sea Bio-Sea Marinemix because it comes much closer to replicating natural sea water, as his study showed...too good to be true? I haven't had any...
  10. mdavisslo

    Best way to switch brand of salt?

    Can I just start using CS Marinemix in my water changes in order to have a gradual change from IO? Or is that just too logical and simple? :notsure:
  11. mdavisslo

    Pom Pom (Boxing) Crab? Harlequin Crab?

    Does anyone have any experience with either of these guys? I'd like to add one or both to my reef tank, but mainly want to know if the anemones on the Pom Pom will be a problem with my reef inhabitants? (i.e. goniopora, ricordeas, mushrooms, zoos, clove polyps, toadstool leather, feather dusters)
  12. mdavisslo

    White encrustaceans on live rock & hermit shells?

    I just noticed, and I have no idea how I haven't noticed sooner, that I've got dozens of very small (not much bigger than the head of a pin) white circular/C-shaped encrustaceans on my live rock and on some of my hermit crab shells. They almost look like they're tiny tubes. Sound familiar to...
  13. mdavisslo

    Can ricordeas touch corals?

    I know hard corals should not touch, unless they are the exact same species. However, what about... mushrooms/ricordeas vs. soft corals? mushrooms/ricordeas vs. hard corals? mushrooms/ricordeas vs. zoos? etc., etc. I've got a goniopora that is getting HUGE, and is getting pretty close to one of...
  14. mdavisslo

    Norcal LFS recommendations?

    Hi guys, I was just wondering what my fellow Northern Californians recommend for LFS. I used to live in Mountain View, and frequented some nice shops. Now I'm in the Central Valley (Stockton) and don't see as much variety and quality...does Capital Aquarium in Sacramento count? ;o) I'm willing...
  15. mdavisslo

    New 0.75 gallon nano!

    Sorry, no info. I was just thinking about that cat watering dish reminded me of's got a 1 gallon container that feeds into a watering dish. As the cats drink, the container feeds water into the dish...keeping the dish full as long as there is water in the container. I guess...