Recent content by ogren1

  1. ogren1

    My lawnmowers new perch!

    The only time the guy leaves his new spot is when he's on the hunt. Never had a lawnmower post up like this before. <br> <br>
  2. ogren1

    Putting Faces to the Names

  3. ogren1

    Pics of my 40 gallon

    I bought the light two years ago and completely forgot the specs other than being 150 watts. Here it is: SunPod HQI Metal Halide Light Fixture - 150W - 14,000k - 24 in.
  4. ogren1

    Pics of my 40 gallon

    I'll look tonite when the light turns off and get the specs on it. The pics are accurate representations too. Here's a couple other pics of the tank before I moved it.
  5. ogren1

    Pics of my 40 gallon

  6. ogren1

    Purple crab

    It was a crab for sure! Looked nothing like a shrimp. He was a dark purple and moved like lightning. I gave up trying to catch him, thinking he might do damage to my corals but he was never a problem.
  7. ogren1

    Purple crab

    I recently had a 54 hour power outage and lost 1/5 of my reef tank (I thought I would have lost a lot more at first site). I'm trying to replace everything that died and I'm lost when identifying a crab I had in there. It was a hitchhiker and was in there for about 2 years. It was about the...
  8. ogren1

    Anemone shrunkin up

    My anemone had only been in my tank for a week. The minute I put him in my tank he went to the back and has 'searched' for a place to rest. Yesterday, he came out and was beautiful. Today...a whole new story, its all shriveld up and looks like nothing!! Never having an anemone, is this...
  9. ogren1

    Green algae taking over!

    Its hairy algae.....the nitrates are high and the phosphates are good, recently went through a move. I plan on doing a few water changes over the next week or two, do you guys think that'll make the algae go bye-bye!! Thanks again
  10. ogren1

    Green algae taking over!

    My tank is somewhat established (15) months and for the first time there is an issue with green algae in my 40 gallon reef tank. About 2-3 weeks ago it started and hasn't looked back yet. Any suggestions guys? Thanks
  11. ogren1

    Fluval problem

    Thanks man, I finally got it's making a horrible knocking noise and is just shooting out a bunch of waste. LOUD noise!!
  12. ogren1

    Fluval problem

    My 404 is giving me problems right now, I hope someone can help me! I just did a cleaning of the filter, connected it back up and pulled the lever down and NO WATER flowed into the fluval. No matter what I do, I can't get ANY water into the Fluval. I've down this over a dozen times with no...
  13. ogren1

    Fluval problem

    My 404 is giving me problems right now, I hope someone can help me! I just did a cleaning of the filter, connected it back up and pulled the lever down and NO WATER flowed into the fluval. No matter what I do, I can't get ANY water into the Fluval. I've down this over a dozen times with no...
  14. ogren1

    Cleaner clam disappearing act!

    I just purchased a 2 inch cleaner clam from I put him on top of my sand bed and within hours it has vanished?? Any ideas guys??
  15. ogren1

    Need Advice on a few things....

    1. Give em a little time. 2. Algae...get a mag-float and scrape it. 3. 40 gallons!!....poor tang!! Go give him away, that tank is wayyy to small for him!