Recent content by patrick33

  1. patrick33

    Anyone have a spreadsheet checklist?

    I hate to do this to you again, but can you send me one also? my email is thanks I figured it out so i do not have to impose on you. thank you anyway.
  2. patrick33

    Lawnmower benny Food?

    Thanks for the bump and thanks for the answer.
  3. patrick33

    Lawnmower benny Food?

    What do they eat? pods or just the algae?
  4. patrick33

    Sump Advice Please

    I have a 46 Gallon Bow front tank with various inhabitants (LR, LS, soem basic corals, and about 5 fish, and I want to put a sump underneath it to help with, among other things, water quality by adding some plants, increase water volume, hold the pumps, skimmer, heater, and the filter tubes...
  5. patrick33

    Is this too much?

    Is this too much? I have a 46g bowfront that has been up and running for about 3 months. right now, i have two false perc's and about 8 margarita snails, 10 hermit crabs, 2 emerald crabs, 2 clearner shrimp and 2 peppermint shrimp. my set up is I have a 404 fluval, an aqua c remora hand on...
  6. patrick33

    I'm Ready, I'm Ready, I'm Ready!!!!!!

    When I went to Fishtown they had a tank, about 90 gallons, full of LR and it was 3.99 a pound. it was easy enough to get there and at that difference in price, makes it worth your while for the 72 gallon tank.
  7. patrick33

    I'm Ready, I'm Ready, I'm Ready!!!!!!

    Congrats PeteM Hey by the way that store in queens was pretty cool. The fish were alittle big for me but the LR was cheap and it seems to be pretty healthy. The LR turned some nice colors, and they let you chose the ones you wanted.
  8. patrick33

    Fish List Help?

    thanks for your help, I do not want to put too many in. I am trying to figure out which ones to put in, but with all of the choices it gets difficult. Guess I have to just do it, decide that is. I figure maybe about 2 or 3 more, depending on size. I already have some cleaner shrimp (2) and...
  9. patrick33

    Fish List Help?

    I havea 46G tank with 60lbs of LS and about as much of LR. I am using a Fluval 404 and will be getting the remora pro or bakpak2 soon. I have the 36 inch smartlight set up. I want to keep it FOWLR for now but want eventually to moveonto a reef setup. So the Questions is? I have one 2 inch...
  10. patrick33

    How Many percula clown's can go together?

    Thanks for your advice guys.
  11. patrick33

    How Many percula clown's can go together?

    Ouch ok, lol. How long does it take from them to pair off like that if you buy them small and young?
  12. patrick33

    How Many percula clown's can go together?

    I have a 46 g FOWLR tank with about 60lbs of LS and 55lbs of LR. The only other fish i have in the tank now is a 2 inch blue chromis, oh yeah, and 2 cleaner shrimp and about 5 snails and hermit crabs. its been up for about 3 months or so and has fully cycled. I want to add a couple percula's...
  13. patrick33

    Prizm or BakpaK 2 which is better?

    Need to get skimmer for a 46 fowlr tank. setting sump up this weekend and want to get skimmer in there also. have about 50 of lr and 50 of ls. I am using a fluval 404 also what do you guys think who have either?
  14. patrick33

    Dipping LR in soda

    Hey Bang, If you do dip the LR in soda salt water how long do you leave it in for and since I dont know what to keep and what to keep out (ie the bad ones) is there a resource book or website that I can identify the hitchhikers I want to keep?
  15. patrick33

    Does a refugium help with water quality?

    Thank you