Recent content by see money

  1. see money

    75g (6 months of progression pics)

    My estimate is about 6 gallons fully loaded which it's clearly not. I know I should have about a 10g fuge for a 75g tank but this seems to be working pretty well. The skimmer cup is about 4"x4" which is small compared to some units I've seen but it works pretty well as far as I can tell. I clean...
  2. see money

    75g (6 months of progression pics)

    3/16/13 CoralCon 2013 update pair of harlequin shrimp (ghostly one is male) pink hornet zoo frag rasta zoo frag purple/peach acropora encrusted frag wild green zoo frag (I say wild because it looks like the larger wild species of zoos i've seen) white/green and orange/green zoo frag
  3. see money

    75g (6 months of progression pics)

    Pompano is down by Ft Lauderdale couple hours south of me. I'm right near Kennedy Space Center. And thanks everyone for the replies!!!!
  4. see money

    75g (6 months of progression pics)

    Oh I totally forgot. I have a bunch of mini bristle stars and micro clams in my fuge. I tried putting ghost shrimp in too but they escaped into the main tank only to be eaten. I have a lot of copepods or amphipods I'm still confused about this. Whatever's in the picture is what I have and they...
  5. see money

    75g (6 months of progression pics)

    He's right about my leds being too weak but I think if I beef them up they'll be able to at least maintain the algae (if the fuge was full of cheato.) Which I hope to accomplish somehow whether I have to buy it or grow it. I bought this led thing because of the stand. It's very tall and very...
  6. see money

    Need some IDing please!!!

    I've only seen one so far i guess i need to go get some more corals since mine spewed what looked like eggs into the water is it a female?
  7. see money

    75g (6 months of progression pics)

    some lfs brand fresh/salt active carbon's my GH that is really high i stopped at 20 drops which was the highest rating 400ppm. i guess my KH is in normal range 130ppm? I do admit to using a 3 stage filtered water. i know it's not the best but it's all i got right now.
  8. see money

    Need some IDing please!!!

    wow i think i just saw my Stomatella Snail spew clouds of eggs into my tank. unfortunately i didnt have my camera with me. he did about 6-10 puffs and returned to his cave. it was also about 2pm when this happened and he usually only starts coming out at 11pm. are these snails a sexual?
  9. see money

    ID baby starfish hitchhiker

    yup that looks like it. thanks!
  10. see money

    75g (6 months of progression pics)

    Has anyone had a problem with carbon pellets and water hardness?
  11. see money

    ID baby starfish hitchhiker

    He doesn't come out much and I happened to have my camera this time. Any ideas? He's really small and white/blue with some red in the center. Any ideas what he eats?
  12. see money

    Need some IDing please!!!

    I also have one that comes out when my first set of lights flick off, pretty late at night. thanks for the id :)
  13. see money

    75g (6 months of progression pics)

    I have cats who are convinced they'll figure out how to get their prizes so I must keep my tops on. The tank is acrylic and I'm actually quite lucky someone altered it to accommodate glass tops before i bought it. There's also about 4 inches exposed on the back side where the cats cant get to...
  14. see money

    75g (6 months of progression pics)

    This is my 75 gallon acrylic reef build (4x T5s 2blue 2white), 6 gallon hob fuge built in skimmer (230 led red orange blue white), 350 penguin canister filter, 40 lbs pink fiji sand 20 lbs fine white key sand, over 100 lbs of various live rock from lfs all over Florida. 9/25 set up as bought...
  15. see money

    Chlorella Production

    This might be a little off topic but im trying to cultivate the Sorokin strain of Chlorella pyrenoidosa. Ive read that Chlorella is a fresh water algae but I also read it is found in salt water... Does it just grow better in fresh water?? How would I start algae production? Do I need the strain...