Recent content by slowburn22

  1. slowburn22

    call me exited, but...

    Not sure about the flow and lighting. I dont remember my total turnover but I remember it being like 20-25%... I think thats right. It's probably lighting... I've only ever seen coraline like that on tanks with MH. I've got T5's which seem to be great for my corals but not so much on the...
  2. slowburn22

    New Tank, New to SW

    Autofreak is right, right, and right again. We both disagree on cycling with the damsel when you already have it, but whats new? It is very true that you do not need that damsel to cycle the tank, and can be just as effective with a raw shrimp. Keep in mind you'll probably have to remove a...
  3. slowburn22

    start of my new 10 gallon reef

    I think it might work. It looks like you have enough hiding places for it. I'd probably go with a bottom dweller and a midwater fish personally to spice it up. You are limited, so like fish addict said, you could go with a goby of some sort and maybe your wrasse/gramma.
  4. slowburn22

    call me exited, but...

    Originally Posted by MonaLisa NO chemicals in my tanks...I work very hard at having extremely organic tanks. So far I've been lucky in achieving that. I like that approach. I might have to look into new salt. I use a Kent 2 part calcium additive/buffer and keep my calcium in the 420-460...
  5. slowburn22

    Start of one "BIG" SPS tank

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman A dirty, poorly run tank, however, will not introduce ich. It may help ich more successfully attack your fish if it is present in the tank, but it must be introduced. Thanks, thats what I was getting at.
  6. slowburn22

    Please offer advice

    Originally Posted by PonieGirl I truly don't think of SH keeping as difficult. But there are a few must do's and must have's. Agree 100%
  7. slowburn22

    Oh. You won't believe this SETUP!110g SPS w/ 75g.Fuge AND ALL THE TRIMMINGS

    Its kinda sad that yall broke him, but I agree... He would be better off parting it out.
  8. slowburn22

    Calling everybody who lives in SC!

    Yeah, both those links are the same jerseys. Glad to help.
  9. slowburn22

    call me exited, but...

    Hey Lisa, the new tank looks good. I just found this post and looked at the first and last pages. I noticed you have a lot of coraline on your glass. How long did it take to get that way? What chemicals do you add to your tank?
  10. slowburn22

    Calling everybody who lives in SC!

    Best bet would be online or Columbia. Why didnt you just google it?
  11. slowburn22

    Getting a 24gal. SW!

    You would probably be ok with that list as long as you go with a smaller species of clown. I would get a pair of true percs and probably leave out the gramma/firefish and go with the clown gobys or maybe some sort of shrimp goby. Not that the gramma/firefish wouldnt be ok, your just flirting...
  12. slowburn22

    Moving need help

    The reason for doing that is to monitor the tank to make sure it doesnt start a cycle after the move. Thats why you make the temporary housing. You are most likely not going to be able to save all the water from the tank - especially if its a big tank.
  13. slowburn22

    Moving need help

    Mace did it right. If you dont have all the help mace did, then use rubermaid containers with powerheads and heaters in them... Its a pain but doable.
  14. slowburn22

    ID the eggs on my glass?

    Spaghetti, want some? Just wanted to pop in and say hello - and thanks again with all of your ID help.
  15. slowburn22

    ID the eggs on my glass?

    Originally Posted by bigarn sounds like hydroid jellyfish to me. Bigarn is the man when it comes to ID's!!!! I wish I had him on speedial.