Recent content by thebatcave

  1. thebatcave

    Looking for Free LR in WI . . .

    There are plenty of good LFS in Madison but they don't accpet monopoly money. Check out the one on University Ave, I think it is called Aquatic Specialists. You can talk them down on price for LR too, I did when I bought some from there. They also have a 20% discount coupon in one of those...
  2. thebatcave

    Moving a Polyp

    I reccomend using some type of adhesive. Using netting is more of a mess. One of my snails got all tangled up in it and it is more of an eye sore. Many methods will work, but I'm more a fan of using glue.
  3. thebatcave

    ID (eggs?)

    It is kinda hard to tell the size of those so I asked my friend who is watching the tank. I am told that they are smaller than a water droplet...don't know if that helps at all.
  4. thebatcave

    ID (eggs?)

    Yeah, I have some of those. I also have some margarite and astrea snails. Anybody have info on the eggs if that is what they are?
  5. thebatcave

    ID (eggs?)

    bmp files aren't so cool....i'll try this
  6. thebatcave

    ID (eggs?)

    worken on getting the photo....
  7. thebatcave

    ID (eggs?)

    Ok, I'm having some issues posting the photo. I will try to attach the image instead. Oh and bigarn, the doctor is ready to see you now.
  8. thebatcave

    ID (eggs?)

    Hey, I've been away from my tank for a few weeks and my friend watching it found something strange on the glass (other than the algae that he didn't clean off). My guess is that they are snail eggs but they don't look like the other pictures of snail eggs that I have seen. Has anyone had...
  9. thebatcave

    125 gal

    yeah still for sale but only want serious buyers. I would sell the tank and stand for $300
  10. thebatcave

    125 gal

    I would be willing to sell the tank seperate from the equipment for a cheaper price. Within the next few years, i'm going to be starting another tank again so i'm not willing to sell the equipment without selling the tank. Please keep in mind that this is a pick-up only sale. No shipping or me...
  11. thebatcave

    Time to gripe about your LFS!!

    if you're looking for a good one in the twin cities, you don't have to be too picky. Make sure to go to one that has a good saltwater selection and you'll be fine. some stores are more expensive but they all are pretty decent from my experience.
  12. thebatcave

    125 gal

    I guess no serious takers for the offer. :eek:
  13. thebatcave

    125 gal

    It is still for sale, so if interested email me at
  14. thebatcave

    125 gal

    The price is now $500. Here is a picture of some of the included filtration.