Recent content by tomky182

  1. tomky182

    what fish should i add to my 60 gallon tank...?

    any ideas for anemone or clownfish?
  2. tomky182

    what fish should i add to my 60 gallon tank...?

    4 chromis 1 bicolor blenny 1 cardinal 1 ryal dotty back 1 fire shrimp 2 cleaner shrimp 1 sand sifting star fsh
  3. tomky182

    what fish should i add to my 60 gallon tank...?

    Any Ideas!?!?!?!?!?
  4. tomky182

    what fish should i add to my 60 gallon tank...?

    any ideas....?
  5. tomky182

    Newbue 60 gallon cube tank...first 6 months

    tell me what you think negative/positive?