Recent content by yarm79

  1. yarm79

    Hypo in my main display tank

    Hi everyone I have decided i want to hypo my main display tank. Fish have a few small white dots on them constantly itching and now my lipstick tang has stopped eating. I do not want to stress them more by putting them in qt plus i have no money at the moment to buy a qt tank. I have £300 of...
  2. yarm79

    How many fish can I have

    been thinkin bout a puffer i use to have a mbu fresh water puffer when i was tropical and i miss him i must admit! I reckon i can easily have another 3fish tbh. I did buy a good book when i was in the states it had a recommended set up for my size tank. Had same kind of fish as mine. In the...
  3. yarm79

    How many fish can I have

    been thinkin bout a puffer i use to have a mbu fresh water puffer when i was tropical and i miss him i must admit! I reckon i can easily have another 3fish tbh. I did buy a good book when i was in the states it had a recommended set up for my size tank. Had same kind of fish as mine. In the...
  4. yarm79

    How many fish can I have

    Yes sorry I thought id been thorough FOWLR as i say the external is for mechanical filtration carbon etc
  5. yarm79

    Pic of my new tank.....

    Peter1215 what is the fish in your profile pic? Beautiful
  6. yarm79

    How many fish can I have

    Hi Guys 1st post on here. Read the forum all the time so decided to sign up Ok so tank has been running 2 month now 720 litres 6'6"x2x2 190 us gallon 100kg Live rock, eheim pro 3 for mechanical filtration, uv, 3x Koralia power heads, and skimmer. I have a baby Picasso, baby Niger, Lip stick...