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  1. bekritsky

    good siphon

    I use live sand as a substrate in my salt water aquarium. I can't use a cleaning crew just yet because I have some copper in my tank. Is there a good siphon or something I can use to clean it? :p :p
  2. bekritsky

    high nitrites

    You might want to test it again. Sometimes I've gotten an off the wall reading, then I went back and tested it again and it came out normal. If it's still high, the best way is to do water changes until it's down to normal and looking into a protein skimmer to keep it under control.
  3. bekritsky

    cleaning live sand

    I have a cleaning crew, and they get to most of the stuff just fine, but there's also stuff under the corals and rocks that they don't get to, and I really don't want to move around the decorations too much.
  4. bekritsky

    cleaning live sand

    my fish tank has live sand as the substrate and I was wondering how I can clean some of this mucus found there from the bottom of the tank. :rolleyes:
  5. bekritsky

    Chromis vs. Chromis

    I have a very odd problem with my fish. I have a 20-gallon tank with 5 fish(2 chromis, 1 percula, 1 marroon clown, and 1 coral beauty). My problem is that my smaller chromis is attacking the bigger one. The big one's left side is all ripped up and he's hanging on the bottom of the tank, he's...