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  1. mccanei

    how to treat tank for broken thermometer

    I woke up this morning to find a my thermometer smashed and at the bottom of my tank. THe thermometer was a traditional type with read stuff and little silver balls in the bottom. As the temperature rose the red level went up. I am leaving for work this morning and threw a bag of charcoal in...
  2. mccanei

    bottom dweller stocking question

    Are there any good bottom dwelling fish to add to an agressive fowlr tank? I really like the flame hawk, but might be too small. I have 9" porc puffer, 9" surge wrasse, 4" clown trigger, 5" emperor angel. Is an eel a possibility with an angel?
  3. mccanei

    Algae removal

    Thanks alot for the pointers, I will invest in a phosphate kit and start to use RO/DI. AS for the salinity, I was told by my LFS that a salinity between 1.018-1.019 helps minimize the amount of diseases. Any suggestions as what to replace Bio Balls with? Last question can you remove too much...
  4. mccanei

    Beth, emergency it's not just ick!

    Tank is still in hypo, when the tank was not in use as HT or QT I kept large hermit crabs in the tank.
  5. mccanei

    Beth, emergency it's not just ick!

    I might be wrong , but did you forget to post a link? Also, my quarantine tank used to house my LR and has been up and running for 1.5 years. So I am puzzled.
  6. mccanei

    Beth, emergency it's not just ick!

    The ick is nearly all gone except for a speck here or there, but progressively getting better.... A question about copper--I noticed my ammonia is sky high, off the charts but the fish are not affected. I have treated with daily 25% water changes and Prime ammonia remover, but the levels have...
  7. mccanei

    Algae removal

    Originally Posted by Amphibious Removing certain kinds of algae is not bad. Having an aboundance of algae to remove is a sign that something is amuck in the system. Give me some idea of what you are dealing with. It would be helpful to know the size of your tank, the filtering system, are you...
  8. mccanei

    Algae removal

    Can removing algae from the aquarium be bad? Does it serve any function to the livilhood of the ssytem? (e.g. nitrate removal)
  9. mccanei

    Beth, emergency it's not just ick!

    The fish is eating, and now breathing from both gills. Thank God!
  10. mccanei

    Beth, emergency it's not just ick!

    I am treating with both copper and hypo. I usually only hypo with great success. The parasitic infection seemed to thrive under hypo, I checked my salinity and it read 1.008. I rasied to 1.009 and with copper it seems my fish are winning the battle... Oddly though, my emperor angel seems to...
  11. mccanei

    Beth, emergency it's not just ick!

    I forgot to ask if copper treatment works as effectively during hyposalinity? Or should you rasie the salt level back up during copper treatment?
  12. mccanei

    Beth, emergency it's not just ick!

    I already have the power head running. Does the airstone have negative impact? ON another note I am still trying to determine what stressed these relatively hardy fish. In your opinion could the environmental stress have been brought on by too small of a tank (37 gallon tall), having both...
  13. mccanei

    Beth, emergency it's not just ick!

    I used Seachem Cupramine bufferer active copper. Additonally, I added an airstone and provided more refuge. The fish resposnded well at first. They were more active and there breathing seemed more normal, some spots began to go away. But 1 day after they look just as bad before I treated...
  14. mccanei

    Beth, emergency it's not just ick!

    The problem has only gotten worse, breathing more rapid, and fish are becoming lethargic, more small bumps so I used my best judgement and treated for velvet with non-chelated copper. Cross your fingers!
  15. mccanei

    Beth, emergency it's not just ick!

    Yeah I original thought was reaction to poor environment, but Now iam not too certain. My numbers are: AM: 0 Ni: 0 Na: 0 PH: was 7.9 now 8.2 temp: 81 Now the fish are losing color in larger blotches, their skin surface, I guess scales surface, is bumpy and undulating, they are eratically...
  16. mccanei

    Beth, emergency it's not just ick!

    Originally Posted by Beth Post your water readings, and the setup you have in the QT. The ich is very obvious in the pictures. What is your pH? What are using to measure salinity? How fast have you dropped salinity? Added any other med? Was your QT just set up? This is not brooklynella...
  17. mccanei

    Beth, emergency it's not just ick!

    I have been hypoing tank for 3 days ick seems to be going away, but this other disease is rapidly overtaking animals (EMperor angel and harlequin tusk). I thought maybe a fungus, but it seems too rapid and detrimental. My next best guess is brooklynella. Symptoms include rapid breathing...
  18. mccanei

    Urgent help needed diagnosing spots!

    Some are slightly raised , but not salt-like in shape. Maybe the ick is in its infancy stage.
  19. mccanei

    Urgent help needed diagnosing spots!

    Am:0 Ni:0 Na:0 ph:8.0 Salinity:1.019 temp:81 So let me explain my situation. Four days ago I purchased and introduced an 4"Emperor Angel and 4"Harlequin Tusk to my 37 gallon QT. The there is alot of live rock for the fish to hide in. The EA is the dominant fish of the tank and chases the HT...
  20. mccanei

    air temp lower than water temp

    SO I pulled my heater out of my tank, the air temp of the house is 71 degrees, and I have no sunlight coming into the room of my fish tank. Yet my tank temp is stuck at 82-80 degrees. The tank is a 37 gallon with a standard tank lighting system. FIltration is a CPR backpak, magnum 250 on back...