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  1. michaeljames

    first set up critique

    So my methods though seem pretty good?? truthfully I couldnt afford a bigger set up right now, I will eventually move up to a 29G but thats all I would want. I like the challenge of a 10G, I am very skilled with freshwater so its a challenge for me when it comes to a 10G SWA, those tiny damsels...
  2. michaeljames

    first set up critique

    I have decided to start with a 10gallon, to keep costs low. This is the set up I am going for. 10 gallon glass, 100 watt heater, 2 aquaclear 50's (1 bio balls) (1 filter floss) 2 coralife power compact 20w 50/50 flourescent bulbs (12 inches off bottom) 'red sea' sea salt, 15lbs live rock over a...
  3. michaeljames

    lighting my 10 gallon

    The bulbs I am talking about at coralife 20watt power compacts. They have a standard [hr] in base to fit into outlets for standard incandescent bulbs but instead are fluorescent 50/50 with white 10,000k and actinic blue. They clain to be good for marine and corals./ I am going to use 2 in the...
  4. michaeljames

    Live Sand questions

    (Dry sand is not live sand,the wet sand is live sand (it will say on the bag) ) how could it be wet sand and still come in a bag? wouldnt it crytallize as it dries out? or go moldy? (Lose the bio ball's they are also nitrate factories) I have been reading, and I thought if you cant...
  5. michaeljames

    hardy / reliable marine life

    The tank is a standard size 10 gallon. with 15 pounds of live rock, on a live sand bed I know I cant expect more than 2-3 small fish, I hope that helps alot in selecting hardy fish for such a tank, also I feel the need to mention/ask what and how many crustaceons, inverts, urchins, etc would be...
  6. michaeljames

    hardy / reliable marine life

    In starting a SWA for a noob, what kinda of fish or marine life are most recommended? what are the so called goldfish and bettas of salt water? I would be more than happy to start off with some crabs, hermit crabs, shrimp and one or two hardy fish. what would you recommend you've had the best...
  7. michaeljames

    Live Sand questions

    I was in the LFS the other day taking estimates on what going SWA is going to cost me initially. I seen caribsea live sand in a big bag, I believe it was live sand but one thing caught my attention. it was a DRY bag of substrate, I thought live meant it had salt water organisms living in it, how...
  8. michaeljames

    lighting my 10 gallon

    I have been doing alot of reading on saltwater and reefs since I have decided to try my hand at it with a 10 gallon set up. problem is I cant find alot of information on scre w in light bulbs, only flourescent and metal halide. My 10gallon hood holds two scre w in bulbs, currently I have 2...