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  1. gnbpilot

    Green Spotted Puffer

    This is a wonderful website to try: I also have a GSP and their is a ton of information on them under brackish water fish discussions. Mine has been in full marine for a few months, they say as soon as they are adult size it is ok. He has been doing...
  2. gnbpilot

    Fish ID?

    I know! They also had a Green Spotted Puffer that they let his beak overgrow and they are just letting him starve to death!! I was pretty upset. I would have taken him too but I wasn't sure what else to do for him at that point:( It was really over grown!
  3. gnbpilot

    Fish ID?

    I saved this little guy from death at my local fish store, they told me they were making more room for new stock and where going to throw him away. So I brought him home. They said he is a moon wrasse but I'm not sure since his colors are so poor, I fed him once and his color started to come...