Search results for query: gobies

  1. Kristin1234

    First order!

    I have 2 firefish gobies. They aren't interested. Lol.
  2. Kristin1234

    First order!

    From what I have read they are sand sitters, yes but also eat frozen and flakes and pellets. I guess I'll read up a bit more on him..
  3. pegasus

    First order! I hate to say this, it may be a blessing in disguise. If I remember correctly, your tank is fairly young. Correct me if I'm wrong. Diamond Gobies are sand sifters, meaning they feed by sifting out small critters in the sand through their gills. They need a fairly deep (fine grain) sand bed...
  4. pegasus

    Snake's Guide to Cycling

    ...sure there are plenty of worms in the bed, and it's growing like a weed. This is in conjunction with a diamond goby and a pair of 9" engineer gobies. The sand is constantly turned over, but I still find lots of "tunnels" along the edges of the glass. Nassarius snails are excellent sand...
  5. pegasus

    Snake's Guide to Cycling

    Nitrifying (beneficial) bacteria lives in the substrate (rock and sand). Free floating bacteria gets removed by the skimmer (if used), so if there is any floating in the water column, it's miniscule. Unless the rocks and/or sand have been exposed to air or harsh chemicals, the bacteria is always...
  6. silverado61

    Snake's Guide to Cycling

    Gobies are the best. Careful with sea stars. They're voracious eaters and could clean the sandbed so good they start to starve. I've heard they do best with a 150g and a 6 inch sandbed at least.
  7. pegasus

    Reef Newbie

    +3 for my pair of engineer gobies... and diamond goby! :eek:
  8. snakeblitz33

    Cinnamon clownfish

    I think that I made a mistake adding these clowns before I added a couple of gobies. I hope next week isn't too late to add the other small peaceful fish that I wanted to add. Looks like my fish list is going to have to be cut a little short because of the aggressive nature of these little...
  9. mandy111

    Maintenance routines

    I don't know much about them personally, but don't they make a complete mess with sand and some times manage to bring down whole scapes rocks and all ?
  10. pegasus

    Maintenance routines

    If you want your sand bed to be constantly turned over so nothing accumulates in/on it, get one or two engineer gobies. In fact, if you'll pay for overnight shipping, I'll send you a pair of 9" engineers...
  11. 2014FishKiller

    small active swimmers

    I am planning to get an Anthias, how often that need to feed them
  12. bang guy

    small active swimmers

    ...of the small active swimmers require frequent small feedings. This is a reason they don't do well in the hobby. Examples are Anthias, Redspot Cardinalfish, etc. If sedentary small fish are an option they tend to thrive in a captive environment like Neon Gobies, Barnacle Blennies, Clown...
  13. seecrabrun

    20g ideas for peaceful tank

    I'm open to suggestions still. Not saying I am getting all gobies, just realized everything I do think I'm getting is a goby.
  14. snakeblitz33

    20g ideas for peaceful tank

    ...don't really mind the small volume so much. They even burrow in the sandbed to sleep. But, I understand the concerns. A opossum wrasse is a small fish that stays small and doesn't mind the space of a 20g tank. It's something to consider as well. Gobies are pretty awesome, and they are common.
  15. silverado61

    What is this stuff in my tank and why!?

    Snails aren't very good at cleaning the surface of the sand. Blennies are good at cleaning your rock and glass. Ceriths are good for stirring but nassarious are the best in my opinion. Gobies are best for cleaning the surface and remodeling the substrate.
  16. flower

    Need some Advice on him. A scooter blenny needs anywhere from a 30g to a 75g tank... Instead of asking the LFS, your friend needs to learn how to do a little bit of research for himself, so he knows what can live in what size tank.
  17. pegasus

    Mushroom cluster buried under live rock

    ...the middle of the tank, or anywhere in the tank that hasn't been dug in a day or two. The tiny diamond goby mounds look like ant hills at the foot of Mt. Everest. Some days... I regret buying Fiji pink sand. All the other days... I regret buying two engineer gobies. Are you interested in a...
  18. newsaltwater

    Starting a new 125G Soft Coral/Live Fish tank

    ...I also want a refugium, and an automatic top off. I'm planning on having soft corals, mostly ricordea and zoas, and some fish. Blennies, Gobies, Clowns, and a Foxface. Anything additional to that will be added on a case by case basis and only if it fits with those. I'm looking for...
  19. pegasus

    sandbed maintenance

    ...I let nature take it's course, and so far, nature has done a good job. My 40B has anywhere from 0" to 6", depending on what the engineer gobies have been up to. I need to find them a new home so I can level out what used to be a 3" Fiji pink sandbed. It is not established, as it never stays...
  20. pegasus

    150 Gallon Additional Stocking Questions as all of yours, except for the trigger. I also have an algae blenny, a pair of firefish, neon dottyback, mandarin dragonet, and clown gobies. I'm pretty sure I could drop my pair of 8" engineer gobies in this tank, and they would be just as fine. I wasn't able to keep my yellowfin...