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  1. florida joe

    5g reef

    I also like pulsing X BUT just my own .02 it grows like wild fire. IT will literally take over your tank in a short time. you need to be ready to remove it as soon as you see it start to spread to areas of your tank that you don't want covered with it.
  2. florida joe

    Dealing with the uglies

    The post made it seem like it was specific to the anarobics . acnes, Corynebacterium. and not anaerobic bacteria we cultivate in our systems
  3. florida joe

    Dealing with the uglies

    actually and I can not speak for 2quills but I don't see this as a distraction nor entertainment. o_O
  4. florida joe

    Yellow tang

    Really i mean really. this sounds like a case for my good friend 2guilles
  5. florida joe

    Dealing with the uglies

    This is getting interesting the report was just identifying what is in chemiclean not if its detrimental to bio filtration now as I understand it Erythromycin treats gram positive bacteria. Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter are gram negative.
  6. florida joe

    Dealing with the uglies

    would love to see a translation
  7. florida joe

    Dealing with the uglies

    and so do i my friend, we both want what is best for the hobby. I am in agreement with some that feel there is no antibiotic in CemiClean. And if they where to openly give their ingredients to the public it may come to pass that their secret ingredient is something easy accessible and CHEAP...
  8. florida joe

    Maroon and Black ice

    Just for the record and a common mistake clowns get hosted they do not host.
  9. florida joe

    ripley's aquarium in tn

    May St.. Francis protect them
  10. florida joe

    5g reef

    if you really like zoa look into the blues man they are nice OR check out Blue Sympodium Polyp IMO great for a pico
  11. florida joe

    Dealing with the uglies

    Of course my good friend I am hitting you with these questions how else would I learn. Now to further my education. I do believe cyano is photosynthetic and manufactures its own food through this method. As far as I know the bacteria convert inert atmospheric nitrogen into an organic form. This...
  12. florida joe

    Dealing with the uglies

    I must admit my friend you got me here. I am adamant about following directions. Now lets see what they say. Turn off your skimmer and increase oxygenation. Well it seems to me if i leave my protein skimmer on but remove the collection cup it saves me having to buy an air pump and air stone...
  13. florida joe

    5g reef

    First remember in such a small tank anything you introduce displaces water. and dilution is your friend. Zoas are nice but can over run your tank quickly now for the coral identification. I don't think its a brain . Look into the Mycedium Genus. specifically elephant nose coral
  14. florida joe

    40 Gallon Filtration Question For FOWLR

    I know what you mean had a GF on gun hill road a 40 g will give you room under the stand for a sump Just my .02
  15. florida joe

    Dealing with the uglies

    First and foremost i will ask him and get back to you. I don't know many antibiotics that are specific in their application. Many are broad spectrum. BUT in this case is seems they do not attack nitrification. Do your really believe if that was the case after all this time they would still be...
  16. florida joe

    40 Gallon Filtration Question For FOWLR

    IMO in this hobby you start out in one direction and the bug bites you big time so i would go with a sump
  17. florida joe

    Is this heater safe?

    another reason to have all your electronics connected to a GFI it may just say your life
  18. florida joe

    Dealing with the uglies

    So what you are saying is if this product is used as directed it can cause a tank crash and destroy your bio filtration. Guess i was just one of the luck ones that used it and did not have this happen. but i will be sure to pass on your assessment to the members of my club. One frequent speaker...
  19. florida joe


    You can also disperse the load
  20. florida joe

    Dealing with the uglies

    while i will admit that chemiclean is a band aid it WILL remove the cyano quickly while you address the underlining cause. I have used it before and its been around for a long time. like anything we add to our tank following the instructions for dosage is paramount. I have never seen any data...